Ive got you puppy

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Sirius Black strode from the fireplace in the Gabby Goat, his face set in a fierce scowl that had the few patrons there looking away nervously. He was nearly to the door when a wizened old hand clasped him firmly by the shoulder. "It might, for your own sake as well as theirs, be prudent to take measures so as not to be recognized." Aberforth suggested quietly, nodding towards a heavy black cloak hanging from a nearby peg.

"I have my own ways of not being seen, Aberforth." The agitated man responded, shrugging free of the old barkeep's grip as he did so. "Thank you for the suggestion, however, I was being foolhardy. I will be cautious."

The older man nodded allowing the young Black to continue on his mission.

Sirius disappeared in a nearby alley to be replaced by a large shaggy dog, loping off towards Hogwarts. His ears twitched as he raced along the path, worn by centuries of young wizards and witches. Hoping beyond hope to catch a sound or a whiff of his godchildren. He was so focused on his task, so desperate to catch their scents or a glimpse or any sign of them that he nearly missed the tiny whimper as he rushed past Hagrid's hut.

The large dog froze mid-step, his ear perked at attention his snout sniffing the air curiously. Caelen! Caelen and....dirt...centaurs...and blood. Padfoot realized nervously. He padded over to the door, resuming his human form in a flourish as he reached for the handle and slowly, nervous of what he'd find, pulled the old wooden door open.

A shaft of late afternoon sunshine shone through the hut straight to the old cot. Had he not heard a whimper Sirius might never have noticed the tiny girl peering blearily at him from the half-giant's bed. "Is that you puppy?" He questioned gently, tentatively approaching his goddaughter. "Hey pup, whatcha doin here?" He tried to joke, his voice cracking as he took in her pained expression and pallor. Sirius scooped the girl gently into hi arms, cradling her against his chest like a baby. "Where's it hurt little one?"

Caelen merely sniffled burrowing into his shoulder and clinging to him with all the strength she had left. "I tried to stop him uncle Sirius," she nearly sobbed. Her tone was pleading as if she felt personally responsible, which, when Sirius consisted Remus' propensity to blame himself, wasn't all that surprising.

"It's not your fault baby," Sirius murmured kissing the girl's forehead as he carried her out the door and up towards the castle. Sirius fumbled for his wand, intent on sending his patronus to Remus. "Remmy, Harry thought I was being held at the ministry Caelen followed him to Hogwarts through the floo, I've got her. Look after Harry for me, see you at headquarters after." With the message composed and a flick of his wrist the patronus vanished in a flash of light.

"We're gonna get you fixed up alright pup? Have you met madam Pomfrey?" Sirius continued to ramble talk about his visits with Pomfrey as a child and teenager. "Course I didn't have to go nearly as often as your dad, poor Remus, but I had my fare share of visits to the hospital wing. Not exactly a cautious lad as you might imagine. But you're not so much like your old godfather are you, no you're far too clever for that. Ill bet you don't even have to stay more than twice your whole time at Hogwarts. Not like Harry either huh? Although to be fare he doesn't really ask for it either does he? Still the boy could be more careful." Sirius knew he was rambling. His breathing was short and raspy between words as he hurriedly climbed the staircases. "Caelen, baby, stay awake for me." He whispered worriedly as her eyes fluttered.

"I'm wake, unc sir-us" she mumbled tiredly.

Sirius' steps advanced to a run as her eyes closed again. It had been years since he'd raced like this towards the hospital wing. The experience reminded him of helping to carry Remus after a full moon. He remembered with a pang of sadness times when he and James had raced through the corridors, Remus supported between them, desperate to reach Poppy before he bled out. He had learned minor healing charms, cuts and bruises broken noses that sort of thing, as a teen. This, Sirius wasn't even certain what had happened. All he knew was his little goddaughter was clearly hurt and in need of Poppy's expertise.

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