Secrets and fears

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Caelen sat, her feet dangling from the chair, in professor Mcgonagal's classroom. Hagrid was away trying to convince the ministry to spare his hippogriff and her father had agreed to teach Harry the protronus charm. The girl hadn't spent much time with the aged transfiguration teacher and she wasn't certain of her.

Minerva eyed the timid child with a gentle smile, "here now little one would you like to see a trick?" She asked quietly.

Caelen nodded eagerly and moments later a cat replaced the professor, "professor Mcgonagal? Is that you?" The small girl asked kneeling next to the cat curiously. "Can you teach me?"

Mcgonagal reappeared with a laugh, "yes little one the cat was me, I'm an animagus. Perhaps some day I could teach you but it will have to wait, you're still quite young and it's very difficult to become an animagus."

"Oh," the girl sighed, "it's very cool!"

Minerva parted the girl's head gently, "Thank you my dear, I imagine you'll be a fine student just like your father hmmm?"

Caelen nodded eagerly, "oh yes I'm going to study so so hard! I'll make him very proud!" The girl promised.

"I'm certain you will," the old witch agreed with a smile. "Now then I expect your father's probably finished with young Mr Potter by now hmm? Why don't we go see?"

Caelen accepted the woman's outstretched hand hesitantly and followed along beside her. "Do you think they'll kill poor Hagrid's hippogriff?" She worried quietly.

Professor Mcgonagal sighed, "the ministry, sadly, is easily swayed by wizards and witches with money. I'm afraid poor Hagrid hasn't got much hope of convincing them to spare the creature with mr Malfoy set on his destruction."

"It's so sad," Caelen stated thoughtfully, "I was there, Hagrid warned the little twit not to rush up to buckbeak like that. He just wouldn't listen."

Mcgonagal snickered quietly, "well now you mustn't go around calling others names, but I agree yes he should have followed Hagrid's instructions."


Remus leaned into Caelen's room checking on his sleeping daughter before heading out on his rounds. He placed a locking charm over the door, as had become his nightly habit since Caelen's evening visit with the potions professor, and waltzed down the corridor.

It wasn't long before he happened upon Snape and Harry arguing in the corridor.

"Why you insolent little-!" Severus snapped angrily at something the boy had said moments before.

"Professor?" Lupin interrupted.

Severus rounded on the other professor, "Well well, Lupin out for a little walk in the moonlight are we?" He taunted.

"Are you alright Harry?" Remus asked ignoring Severus' snide comment.

"That remains to be seen I've just now confiscated a rather curious artifact from young me potter, take a look Lupin," Severus responded putting particular emphasis on the letters name, "it's supposed to be your area of expertise clearly it's full of dark magic."

"Oh I seriously doubt it Severus it appears to be a bit of parchment designed to insult anywho who tries to read it, still you're right it is my area of expertise I shall look it over." Remus replied chuckling. "Come along Harry with me."

Harry trailed along behind the defense professor, "thank you sir," he began gratefully.

"Harry I don't know how you came upon this map but you mustn't go wandering about the corridors," he lectured the boy lightly.

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