Dementors return

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Caelen raced around near the fireplace in their quarters her father sat watching her a tired smile gracing his scarred face, "calm down cub," he murmured.

"It's the full moon!" She called giggling excitedly, "you know what that means!?"

Remus didn't understand the girl's excitement, of course he knew what a full moon meant, "ummmm yessss?" He responded in a questioning tone, "we will change but why are you so excited?"

The girl sighed as if she couldn't believe he wouldn't know what she was referring to, "no not that! We've been together for a whole month! Best month of my whole life! And tonight when we change it'll be the second time ever I don't need to be scared, you won't get mad at me for being a werewolf!" She grinned happily thrilled at the idea of being with her father. "I'm gonna be with you forever!"

Remus smiled pulling the young girl into his lap as he watched the sun sink on the horizon through the window, "ah that of course!" He nuzzled the girl gently rubbing noses with her, "you never need to be scared again cub, I'll always protect you."

The pair waited for the sun to set cuddled together, Caelen seemed to realize the change didn't come as easily to her father as it did her. "Are you ok?" She questioned quietly framing his cheeks with her tiny hands.

"I'll be fine little one its just a difficult change for me," her father responded with a tired smile.

Caelen cocked her head to the side puzzled, "it's not hard for me?"

"Well you're younger and you were born a werewolf it makes a difference," Remus attempted to explain.

"You weren't born a werewolf? How did it happen?"

Remus sighed sadly, "when I was a little boy I was bitten by a werewolf, I've been one ever since."

"And I got it from you?"

"Yes cub, I'm sorry," Remus admitted sadly feeling the need to apologize for passing his curse along to his child.

"It's ok I'm glad I'm like you!" The child reassured him kissing his cheek, "I'm sorry it hurts you though" she whispered quietly.

Remus smiled as with a short yelp he suddenly held a small wolf in his hands, "I'm glad it doesn't hurt you little one," he whispered placing her gently on the floor as his transformation began. Remus howled in pain as his bones shifted and joints cracked making way for his wolfish form.

Caelen sat patiently watching her father, she whimpered when he groaned in pain nudging his paw gently with her nose. Before her, panting, stood the werewolf form of her father, moony. 'Are you ok?' She questioned via their werewolf link.

Remus, having not been of his own mind their first transformation together, was shocked to hear her thoughts, 'I'll be fine cub, just need to rest a moment,' he responded once the shock had warn off.

Caelen climbed onto her father's head nibbling his ear playfully, 'Ok but after can we play?'

Moony smiled dropping his head so the cub fell between his paws where he could nuzzle her gently, 'of course little one, I just need a moment.'

The older werewolf watched his cub racing between chair legs in amusement. She was so carefree and happy, he smiled as the cub collided happily into his side.

'Are you rested yet?' A small giggly voice called into his mind.

Moony turned his head knocking his cub over gently with his snout.

Caelen grunted falling onto her side with an oomph. She glanced up questioningly at her father before noticing the humor in his dark wolf eyes. She barked happily wagging her little tail as she nipped at her father playfully.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now