Pranking apprentice

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It was August before Sirius and Caelen got their way and were allowed a trip out together. Eventually, however, the force of their combined begging payed off and the duo was sent out with strict orders to stay safe, not get into mischief, an order met by matching innocent expressions, and to be home for lunch.

Diagon alley was much the same as the last time Caelen had been there but somehow better. It seemed to come alive in a whole new way with Sirius pointing out places of interest, reminiscing on school aged antics with James and Remus, and dragging Caelen bodily from one store to the next. He seemed to take great pride in showing her off to his favorite store owners, introducing her with a smirk as "my lovely, brilliant, or clever goddaughter." The descriptive terms grew steadily more grand until Caelen began to secretly shake her head in the negative behind his back, attempting to negate his over exuberant praise.

By mid morning the young girl was already beginning to tire, her feet dragging as she attempted to keep up. Sirius' quick solution was to simply load the nine year old onto his back and continue his trek around the magical shopping district. "We could go to Florean's," he suggested as the clock struck ten, "wonderful ice cream, Fortescue has."

Caelen thought perhaps her father would have something to say about ice cream before lunch but, like any other young child, was not about to turn down the cool treat. Armed with the delicious custard the duo continued on, ducking into the brightly colored new shop belonging to Caelen's favorite red headed twins. 

"Hello mini Lupin, Sirius" the pair greeted in unison from behind the counter. It was all but empty at this time of day save for a group of children roughly Hogwarts age, staring at a display of potions. "What sort of mischief can we help you with today."

"Not that you'd need much assistance Mr. Black."

Sirius smirked wickedly at that, his gaze taking in the whole of the shop with poorly disguised glee. "We're looking for something special for a prank. It has to be odorless, nothing that would cause the prankee any actual harm mind, he has to keep his wits about him during times like these."

"It's for daddy, we're pranking him." Caelen offered, grinning over Sirius's shoulder.

Sirius smiled reaching back to pat the girl's head affectionately. "We were thinking something we could slip into his tea perhaps?"

The twins grinned a smile that would surely have made a Cheshire Cat proud. A term Caelen had recently discovered thanks to a book Hermione had owled her. They headed with a beckoning wave behind them, up the stairs to the second floor workshop. 

"Here's something we've only just finished trials on."

"It's great fun but only lasts a day."

"Won't disrupt most daily functions."

Sirius accepted the vial of clear liquid with a curious glance at the contents. "What's it do?"

"We got the idea when Hermione told us about color blindness a few months back," the closer of the twins began.

"Basically it switches colors about at random."

"Doesn't sound like much but it can make some things right amusing. We tested it on Ron,"

"Poor sap ate an onion thinking it was an apple."

"How he mistook the shape baffles us but it was right amusing."

Caelen reached eagerly for the bottle, "let's do it uncle Sirius! It will be funny to watch daddy get all flustered."

Sirius nodded obligingly, "guess that's the one then. Thanks lads." Their purchase made, and noon rapidly approaching, the pair hurried to the floo and headed, in a flash of soot and flame, back to the cottage.

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