Party 2.0

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The Lupin cottage, a place used to the quiet reading and study of the bookish werewolf who resided there, was alive with noise. The Weasley clan alone was enough to liven the stodgiest of places. Not that Lupin cottage was stodgy, there'd been many a prank pulled inside its walls and out. It simply was a place more used to quiet than noise, order than chaos. Still, it was a happy sort of chaos and if the house were able to feel any sort of way about it, it must surely have been happy.

High pitched squeals and giggles could be heard as a small girl with chocolate brown hair ran inside and out, a myriad of redheaded children of varying ages often in pursuit.

Sirius Black had spent quite a lot of time there, to be expected I suppose when your best friend owns the place. It had never, however, been quite this lively.

He was sitting alone on the back step in the shade of an old oak tree, a plate of chocolate cake on his knee and a steaming cup of tea next to him. Usually he'd be looking out across the yard to the cliffs, or standing along the edge watching the waves crash against the land in a never ending bid for dominance; the latter option having always made Remus nervous. Today, however, it was the interior, or rather what was happening in the interior, that had captured the dark haired man's attention.

A sudden thump to the back of his head had the man flinching in surprise. "I honestly don't understand you," Nuts signed as she took a place next to him on the step, shoving his tea aside as she did so. "How long are you going to pine away before you grow a set and go after what you want?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sirius responded dismissively, his eyes straying back to the sight he'd been so wrapped up in before Nuts' arrival.

"If I were able to make a sound I would snort at you," the woman responded, her expression revealing exactly how much she believed Sirius' words. "You've been hung up on him since Hogwarts. I know it, you know it, James and Lilly knew it. What's the problem?"

"Nuts, sometimes one person's feelings aren't enough!" Sirius began signing in response his movements choppy and agitated with emotion. "Look at them! Does he look like he'd welcome a declaration of love from me right now?"

"At least you're admitting that's what you need to do...slight improvement I suppose. Are you afraid he'll hate you for your feelings? Remus isn't like that. Even if he didn't feel the same, which would honestly shock me into an early grave, it wouldn't matter. You wouldn't lose him if that's what you're worried about."

"Just leave it Nuts, please?" Sirius sighed long and forlornly, "look at him, he's happy. He and Tonks will be good for each other. He doesn't need to have to worry about me any more than he already does." He placed his cake next to his tea where he'd been sitting and walked away, shoulders slumped, to stare out at the sea.

Nuntis scowled back through the window at the duo talking inside. "Daft gits the pair of them!"


Tonks stared into the kitchen where Remus was cleaning up. Molly had headed home a while ago with strict instructions that her children behave and not overstay their welcome. "Hey Remus, need a hand?"

Remus smiled dubiously, "I'm nearly finished now, thanks though Dora."

The pair lapsed into an uncertain silence. "So uh, Bill and the Beauxbaton's girl make a cute couple."

"Yes, she seems like a nice girl," Remus agreed readily, busying himself by making tea.

"Remus, about what I said before, I'm sorry if I pushed. I just, I love you," Tonks shrugged laughing in an almost self deprecating manner. "I know you have concerns, and that you aren't exactly quick to let others in, or share what you're feeling...I just. If there's a chance you could care for me in return. I'd love a chance for us. Even if you can't love me like I do you, I could be good for you. You and Caelen. If you're honestly not interested put me out of my misery, tell me you feel nothing for me and I'll leave it alone. But if it's just fear, give me a chance to prove you wrong? Please?"

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now