The failed trick or treat

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A great black dog raced around the Lupin cottage after a small laughing child. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The little girl squealed breathlessly as she was tackled from behind. "It was Nut's idea I swear!"

The dog let out a short bark and began licking the giggling girl.

"Ewe!" Caelen squealed swatting at the slobbering mutt, "uncle Sirius, get off!"

The dog leapt away with an amused snort waiting in anticipation for the girl's response. He didn't have long to wait before Caelen rolled, climbing to her feet and sprinting after him. "I'm going to get you for that!"

Sirius raced around in obvious amusement, barking and sprinting through the yard, the little girl hot on his trail. He was so busy running in fact that he didn't notice Harry's appearance in the garden and went tumbling into the boy, Caelen following behind.

Sirius transformed mid tumble, his human form turning to cushion Caelen's fall. "Sorry Harry," he laughed out as he checked the girl in his arms over, absently brushing a few stray hairs from her face. "Didn't notice you there."

The black haired teen seemed to scowl before nodding, "'s alright Sirius."

"Yes well," Sirius began after a short silence, "sleep well?"

Harry shrugged, "spose so," he mumbled.

Caelen smiled happily from where she sat on Sirius' shoulders. "Wanna go flying later? Uncle Sirius said he'd take me after lunch!"

Harry grumbled something unintelligible in response as they stepped into the small, cozy cottage.

As was quickly becoming the norm when Caelen and Sirius were together, the making of a simple lunch of sandwiches and crisps turned into something far more elaborate. Somewhere around the point when Sirius insisted he could make a sandwich of anything in the refrigerator, Harry retreated with a scowl to the living room. He was sitting on the floor using the coffee table as a desk when Caelen bounded in.

"Harry do you wanna," the girl broke off mid-sentence as she collided with the table, tumbling to her knees with a thud and inadvertently sending Harry's inkwell flying.

"Caelen!" Harry shouted angrily as he attempted to save his parchment from the rapidly spreading black pool. "What is your problem?! Why're you always such a pest!? Just leave me alone!"

Caelen stared up in shock, big brown eyes filling with tears. "I'm sorry, I can get you some more parchment, or ink. I didn't mean to."

"Yeah you never mean to but you're always screwing something up or tagging along! Just back off!" The teen snapped carelessly.

He hadn't even finished his sentence before Caelen was dashing from the room, tears streaming unchecked down her cheeks.

Nuntis, who had been on her way to call the children for lunch, stormed towards the boy furiously. She thrust her notebook straight into Harry's nose before waving her wand at it. Faster than any human could ever have written, words seemed to bleed up from the page itself. "I don't know what your problem is but there's no reason for you to treat that sweet little girl the way you've been. She adores you! She was so excited you were coming to visit, told me about you from the first day we met. How Harry was her godbrother, because Sirius is godfather to the both of you. How she'd always wanted a sibling. And then you treat her the way you have. You should be ashamed. If you can't treat her properly you don't deserve to know her." Nuntis turned to leave the room before spinning around, ripping a page from the book and throwing it at Harry. "Your father would be ashamed of your behavior. I didn't know her as well but I have no doubt Lily would as well."

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن