Day out/ worst fears

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Caelen had forgotten how quiet Grimauld place truly was, how empty and bleak, until the older children left for Hogwarts and the remaining Weasleys were back at the burrow. Her father continued to pop in from time to time always plastering a grin on his face as if she couldn't see the bruises and cuts he had littered across his face and arms.

She and Sirius drifted through the house like ghosts, each jumping at the sight of the other as if they'd forgotten others existed in the angry old building. The quality of food had dropped drastically in Molly's absence but days of crusty bread or empty stomach gurglings were still far too fresh in the young girl's mind to consider any complaints. On days when there were order meetings or when Remus was around they breathed again, each of the houses captives faces lighting up with joy; today was not one of those days.

Caelen had walked into her godfather, startling them both, and thereby awakening his horrid mother's portrait no fewer than ten times before lunch. That, paired with the sight of the stale bread and hunk of ham, the only provisions left to them since Molly's last visit, had prompted this ill advised outing. So, with nothing to tempt their tastebuds and no one to stop them, no one responsible anyway, the young girl and wanted marauder wandered out into the street and open air.

Sirius defended in his mind that it wasn't really so unreasonable to want a bit of air, and it wasn't so unlikely a girl of Caelen's age would be out walking her dog; regardless of his enormous size. Caelen was simply thrilled to be outside she'd spent the majority of her life, before finding her father, locked indoors and hadn't fancied her return to that lifestyle.

The pair garnered a few nervous glances mostly directed at the large black dog as they wandered down the street padfoot's tail wagging almost manically.  Caelen breathed in the cooling air with a large grin as if the crisp September breeze were a gift she'd long wished for. Upon approaching a nearby cafe the duo separated, Caelen entering with a fistful of muggle pounds to purchase lunch, Padfoot sitting outside his doggy nose pressed to the window as he watched his goddaughter protectively, oblivious to the owner's glare from his doggy smudges.

"Young lady is that your dog smudging his nose all over my window?" He snapped crossing his arms as he glared indignantly between Caelen and the large black mutt.

Caelen glanced back rolling her eyes at her godfather's antics. "Yes sir," she admitted stifling a giggle, "I'm sorry sir he doesn't like to be separated from me. I can clean it before I leave..." She offered in a regretful tone.

"Never mind, what can I get for you?" The man replied briskly.

Caelen eyed the menu uncertainly, she'd never eaten out before. As the owner began to tap his fingers in irritation Caelen nervously chose the first two things on the menu and two Dr Peppers.

"This all for you?" The man questioned suspiciously as he returned her change.

"No it's for the dog," Caelen responded with a smirk earning another glare as she exited the cafe. Padfoot bounced around the girl barking happily. "Unc-Padfoot stop you'll make me drop everything!" She scolded the dog as they walked to a grassy spot and settled down to eat.

The girl got some strange looks when she poured one of the cups of Dr Pepper into a bowl she'd pulled from her bag depositing it and the meal, which apparently was some Asian chicken and noodle combo, in front of the patiently waiting canine. She leaned into the pup's side contentedly and drew her knees up forming a table for her own meal and began eating.

"It's really nice to get out." She mumbled between bites to the dog, who seemed to nod in response. "You really annoyed that man at the cafe though." She continued earning a smug doggy grin from her mute companion.

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