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Caelen clung desperately to her father's hand as they wove through the mass of people on platform 9 3/4. There were entirely too many people here as far as she was concerned.

The girl gasped when she was suddenly scooped up away from an oncoming luggage cart. "Ok there little one?" Remus questioned gently.

Caelen nodded in reply tucking her head into his shoulder. She wasn't really, she was terrified, she'd almost been run over, but Remus promised he'd protect her and he hadn't let her down yet.

Levitating their luggage he guided it down the train to a compartment, "ah here we are!" He announced setting the girl down gently near the window. He smiled when she snuggled into his side the moment he sat, "it's a long ride why don't you try to take a nap."

That's how the trio found the pair snuggled together fast asleep Remus' arms wrapped protectively around the small child. The girl had obviously been tucked inside the man's cloak nothing but her head and tiny boots were visible.

"Who do you suppose they are then?" Ron questioned sitting opposite the duo.

Harry shrugged, "dunno not students for sure."

"Professor R. J. Lupin, well obviously, the girl's much too young." Hermione replied as if instructing a class.

"You know everything! How is it that she knows everything!?" Ron squeaked out.

"It's on his luggage Ronald!" Hermione responded in exasperation.

"Do you suppose they're really asleep?" Harry questioned quietly.

"Seem to be," Hermione replied glancing towards the pair, "why?"

"Good I've got something to tell you."

The trio spoke in hushed tones, they didn't notice the young girl stir. She eyed them hesitantly she'd never been around other children before, even older ones, as the three teens were. They were different from adults more animated and expressive their emotions easier to decipher. Caelen liked that, if you could tell how someone was feeling you'd know better how to react to them.

Hermione was the first to notice the girl was awake, "oh hello there, what's your name?"

"Caelen," the little girl whispered in response, "Caelen Lupin, are you three students?"

"Yes third years, I'm Hermione Granger this is Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter." She said indicating the boys next to and in front of her. "Are you professor Lupin's daughter?"

The girl nodded, she looked like she was about to ask a question when a knock sounded on the compartment door effectively silencing her, "hello dears anything from the trolley?" The old witch with the sweets trolley questioned gently.

The boys took a selection of sweets before turning towards Hermione, "do you think we should wake him?" Harry asked eyeing the professor thoughtfully.

"It's alright dear I'll be up near the driver if he wakes and gets hungry." The woman smiled and was gone.

"Chocolate frog?" Harry asked offering the sweet to the small girl.

"A what?" Caelen wondered aloud reaching hesitantly for the offered treat. She sniffed the wriggling sweet cautiously, "I don't want to hurt the poor little thing..."

"It's just chocolate it doesn't feel anything watch," Ron reassured the child as he pulled a leg off and shoved it into his already full mouth. "See just chocolate," he mumbled through his teeth.

"Oh honestly Ronald that's disgusting," Hermione sighed rolling her eyes in distaste.

They chatted for a while before the girl once again fell asleep leaving the trio free once more to discuss the escaped prisoner, Sirius Black. "So you think Black's after you then?" Ron questioned in a high worried tone.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now