Chapter 1

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    I stared out my window, thinking about the masquerade ball held a month ago. My heart raced at the thought of Alexander. Gorgeous, elegant Alexander. There hadn't been a day where I didn't think about him.

    Sighing tiredly as I stared at the family garden, I smiled as I noticed the white roses were beginning to bloom. They were planted near the castle and compared to all of the beautiful flowers that went on for yards, they were the the most beautiful to me.

    "Diana!" I heard Mother call. "Come here!"

    "Coming!" I yelled back.

    Getting off of my cushion next to the massive window, I smoothed out my long, simple dress and ran out of my room. I ran down the long hallway surrounded by rooms no one used and then I ran down the long spiralling staircase that led to our sitting room. Knowing my mother, she always talked to me there.

    Reaching the end of the golden stairs, I spotted my mother sitting at one of the beige couches at the corner of the room. She looked stressed with her arms on either armrest and one leg crossed over the other. She was dressed in a blue dress and even though age had worn her out, she was pretty. Thin lips, pointy nose, brown eyes, and brown hair streaked with gray were her distinct features. She was elegant with her heart shaped face too, which I was blessed with as well.

     I walked up to and held my hands together, becoming nervous. Mother wasn't the most relaxed person. She often snapped randomly and rarely smile, but I didn't blame her. After my father's death, she had to step up and take over an entire castle along with its region. That wasn't an easy job.  

    I stopped in front of my mother and smiled. She stared at me and her eyebrows rose.

    "What in the world is wrong with your hair?" she asked.

    I flushed, knowing I hadn't combed my hair yet. My dark brown hair was in a bun and I knew most of it had fell apart, which meant I had random strands of hair sticking out in every direction.

    "I didn't comb it yet," I said. "Sorry Mother."

    "Diana, you're a princess," Mother scolded. "You should take better care of yourself."

    I looked down, embarrassed, and not for the first time I wished what she said wasn't true. Sometimes being a princess wasn't as luxurious as you'd think it was.

     "I know," I said, looking back up at her. "I will from now on."

    "Good." The corner of Mother's mouth turned up slightly - the closest she ever became to smiling. "Now, we have some business to attend to. It'll be happening in the evening, so clean yourself up. I want you to look beautiful."

    "What business?" I asked, growing disappointed.

    "Some with King Henry. It's just a dinner."

    "Oh." Was all I said.

    I hated attending these. As someone who preferred to be alone reading or going on long walks, I hated attending anything royalty related. It was always dull and filled with contests of who's the better king or queen, so I preferred to stay home. For once, I decided to tell Mother that.

     "Do I have to come?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "I'm reading this book and it's really good. I'd like to finish it today."

    "Reading a book?" Mother scoffed. "You want to miss out on meeting King Henry to read a silly book?"

    Mother's eyes hardened and I regretted saying anything. Shaking my head, I knew there was no way I could miss the event.

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