Chapter 14

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    Mother had an errand to run, which meant I was with Alex. We were walking in silence, looking around town for a place to stay at. As we walked Alex's eyes roamed the busy area we were in, but my eyes stayed on the ground. Hugging myself as we walked, I couldn't help but think about Philip.

    He was creepy. His touch made me feel violated and I never wanted to see him again. I never wanted to be anywhere near him, but I knew that would never be the case. As long as everyone seemed to want us to get married, I was trapped with a man who made me very uncomfortable. At that thought, I shuddered.

    "What's wrong?" Alex suddenly asked.

    I looked up at Alex and saw that he was frowning. Concern was written all over his face and my heart lightened up, seeing how far we had come in our friendship. Once Alex had been so guarded with his feelings, but now he openly expressed them.

    Still, I lied, "Nothing. Where do you think we should go?"

    "Diana, I know you're lying," Alex said, his eyebrows furrowing in the process. "Come on. Let it out."

    Alex looked genuinely worried. His words sounded sincere and I knew he was the only person I could open up to. That was why, I allowed myself to be honest.

    "A lot has happened," I said, looking away from Alex in search of a spot to sit and talk. "Let's find somewhere so I can tell you."

    "How about at a cafe?" Alex offered.

    "A cafe?"

    He shook his head. "You've really missed out on a lot."

    Frowning, I let Alex lead me to the cafe. My heart felt heavy and I anticipated letting everything out.


    Alex and I sat outside at a table for two, facing each other. On our table were teacups filled with tea and I stared at Alex, amazed by the small building we sat in front of. It was cute and all it did was sell tea and small snacks, but I liked it. It was welcoming and because Alex and I needed to talk, the spot was perfect for relaxing and doing exactly that.

    "What happened?" Alex asked, taking a sip of his tea.

    "You know how my mother keeps going on errands?" I said, looking down at the wooden table. "I asked her where she went and she yelled at me. I got mad in return and then to teach me a lesson, she made me go to Philip's castle. I said no and she then threatened me by saying she'll make my life miserable."

    Alex's eyes hardened at my last sentence. "She said she'll make you miserable if you didn't go?"


    What Mother said wasn't what was ruining my mood, but when I thought about it, what she said was horrible. Even if it wasn't surprising she would say that, it was hard to believe a mother would tell her child that. At that thought, my heart dropped.

    "How... How could she?" Alex muttered, shaking his head. "I swear to god. What kind of-"

    "Alex, let me finish." I smiled sadly, seeing the anger written on his face. "By now I know my mother isn't kind, so there's nothing I can do about that. But that isn't the problem. The problem is Philip."

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