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    You can't win everything, was what I learned from the past year. You have to give to get, and lose some to win some. If I were to be honest I was happy with that balance. Especially when what I supposedly lost turned into something that gave me happiness.

    Alex sat with me at my enormous window and we were staring at our town. From where we were we could see the busy streets filled with double the amount of townspeople since Alex and I decided to combine our regions. That was one of my supposed losses because we allowed King Richard to get what he wanted, even though he didn't deserve it, but it turned out to be a win. Our townspeople looked at their happiest with their new prosperity.

    I looked at Alex then, wondering how one boy could have given me and so much others pure happiness. He was staring out the window, looking at the town, and my heart stirred at how gorgeous he was. My eyes then went to his ring finger and I saw our wedding ring, and I grinned, knowing he was all mine.

    I had always thought marriage would make me lose the little bit of freedom I had, but turns out, it gave me more. Now that I was married to Alex, I could do whatever I wanted and go wherever I wanted. My voice was always heard and with Alex at my side, I had all the confidence in the world.

    Alex suddenly looked at me and he smiled, seeing that I was still grinning. I flushed, slightly embarrassed, and looked away shyly. Warmth was in me and I knew that I would always love him. Most would think I married him too soon and that I probably made a mistake, but I knew that he was all I ever wanted.

    "What are you thinking about?" Alex asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

    "Am I supposed to call you Alexander now?" I asked, lying because I was still embarrassed. "Since it's your real name?"

    "You can if you want," he answered, smile growing. "I'm happy with anything."

    "I think I'll stick to Alex. I feel more of a connection to that name."

    "Really?" Alex looked curious.

    "Yes. Alex was who I fell for, so that name is what stirs my heart."

    Alex's eyes softened and I smiled at him, loving how affectionate his eyes were. Those blue eyes were all I ever saw nowadays, and I was thankful. So thankful that I also got to wake up next to him everyday.

    "Do you want to go on a stroll through town?" Alex asked.

    "Of course."


    We were walking through town, smiling as everyone welcomed us. Our arms were linked together and my eyes wandered around the area. It was so busy and seeing all the new faces, I grew happy that we linked our two towns together. It had given more job opportunities to my people and more customers as well. I had a good feeling that soon the poverty that had been in my town would vanish.

    After an hour of walking, a little girl approached us. She was blonde and wearing braids, and she had these adorable big, blue eyes. When she reached us, she stopped and smiled shyly.

    "Hi, King Alexander and Queen Diana," the little girl said, her cheeks turning red when Alex smiled at her.

    "Hello," I said, smiling at the adorable girl.

    "I'm Annabelle." She pulled out a notepad and pen. "Can I interview the two of you? It's for school. I have to choose two people I admire and it's the both of you. I just want some information for my project. Is that alright?"

    I looked at Alex to ask if it would be okay, and he nodded. Noticing the way he was smiling, I knew he also found Annabelle adorable.

   "Yes, that's fine," I answered.

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