Chapter 21

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    My feet felt heavy as I walked to town. Mother had an errand to run, which meant I would get to spend time with Alex. But because of what happened with Philip, I couldn't be excited for it. I hadn't been excited about anything in a while because of Philip, knowing my future with him would be horrible.

    I tried. I tried so hard to come up with a way to not marry Philip, but no solution would form in my mind. Realizing just how insane Philip was, I couldn't think of anything that would work on him. He was too used to getting his way in life, and I had a bad feeling he would in the end of the day. As me as his servant wife and him dictating over two regions, he would have everything and we would all have nothing.

    My throat constricted as I entered town. I tried to make sure I didn't look upset as I walked by my townspeople, going to the fountain area to find Alex. As I smiled and waved at my lovely townspeople, I once again realized how easy it was to put up a facade. Even though I was miserable and wanted to break down at the thought of my horrible, caged life, I could still smile and be polite.

    I soon reached the centre of town and spotted Alex, sitting at the ledge of the fountain. His eyes found me as I stood where I was, feeling my heart ache at everything, and he rushed over to me. He smiled widely and I found myself giving him a small smile, only because his smile was contagious.

    "Diana," he said, reaching me. "It's been a while."

    "It's has been." My eyes softened. "Mother has been taking a break from her errands, so I couldn't come until now."

    "Oh, I understand. How are you?"

    I didn't know why. I didn't know how, but I broke down at those words. Stepping forward, I shook my head vigorously and buried my face into Alex's chest. I burst into tears and sobbed into his chest, feeling overwhelmed by everything. It was all too much and in all honestly, the thought of marrying Philip was unbearable.

    Alex hugged me back quickly and began to rub my back gently. It was soothing, but I cried harder, knowing Philip wasn't gentle like that. If I were to marry him, I would be touched by his disgusting hands and the thought of that made me sob like a child.

    "Oh Diana," Alex whispered, hugging me tightly. "Oh sweetheart."

    I blubbered into his chest and let him hold me. I felt better in his arms and for a couple of minutes, we just stood in the centre of town holding each other.


    "You're going to love this," Alex said, smiling as he handed me hot chocolate.

    Grabbing the mug, I peered into it, curious to how hot chocolate looked. My eyes widened as I saw the creamy, chocolate, liquid in the mug. It looked rich and delicious, and I enjoyed the warmth the drink gave my hands.

    Alex went over to my side and sat next to me, holding his own mug of hot chocolate. We sat on the couch of his home with a few inches separating us, and for a few moments we sat in silence, doing nothing but stare at the paintings on his walls. It was a nice, peaceful silence. One that was needed after the hectic events of my life.

     But eventually, Alex broke the silence by saying, "What happened? I mean you don't have to tell me, but I think it'll help to let it all out."

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