Chapter 15

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    I stormed into Mother's room, preparing myself to tell her how I truly felt. Even though I was walking with my head held high and with confidence in my strides to her room, I was terrified. Knowing who Mother was, I was scared to approach her.

    But I knew I had to. I couldn't bare the thought of marrying Philip and she needed to know that. So once I reached her room, I threw the doors open.

   Mother was there as I stepped in, rummaging through a bag on her bed. As I walked forward, she turned around from her bag she was stuffing clothing into, and jumped. I was surprised to see Mother react like that, but my heart dropped as her eyes narrowed at me.

    "What are you doing in my room?" she asked, annoyed. "Did you knock?"

    "We need to talk," I simply said, trying to remain calm.

    "I can't." She went back to her bag, zipping it up. "I have to go somewhere soon."

    Annoyance filled me, but I kept it at bay. Yelling at Mother wouldn't work. It would only make her angry and thus more stubborn, so I had to take a calm approach.

    "I don't want to marry Philip," I said, bracing myself for her reaction. "I won't."

    Mother spun around quickly, her eyes growing wide with fury. I couldn't help but notice how dark the skin under her eyes was as she glared at me, but I couldn't care about that at that moment. Right then, I had to only care about myself.

    "Diana, we've been over this," Mother snapped. "You're going to fall for him. You're going to marry Philip."

    "I won't marry Philip," I said defiantly.

    Mother looked taken aback by words because it was the first time I had truly talked back to her. I had always obeyed her. Always just let her control me. But I had, had enough. Forcing me to marry Philip was the last straw.

    "Diana." Mother plastered on a fake smile. "What did you just say?"

   "I won't marry Philip." I took a deep breath in. "I don't want to. He makes me uncomfortable and I will never be happy with him. So please, stop forcing me to go on dates with him. Stop trying to make me marry him."

    Mother's eyes glazed over with fury. It made her eyes burn with a sort of anger that made me step back with fear. I didn't know why my own mother scared me, but she did.

    "Stop speaking nonsense child," Mother snapped. "You're just too childish right now. Soon you'll understand that Philip is perfect for you."

    "He isn't perfect for me," I said, my voice rising. "I will never fall for a guy like him. He's everything wrong in this world and I don't understand why you want me to marry him."

    Once again the question popped up. The question to why everyone wanted me to marry Philip.

   So wanting an answer, I spoke before Mother could say anything.

  "Why do you want me to marry Philip?"

    "Because he will be good for you," Mother said, her voice rising. "He will be good for all of us."

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