Chapter 8

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    "How was your date with Prince Philip?" Mother asked eagerly from across the dining table.

    I wanted to say horrible. I wanted to say I never wanted to see him again, but I didn't dare speak the truth. As my eyes met Mother's, I saw a sort of desperation in her eyes that surprised me. It was like she needed my answer to be a positive one.

    "It was good," I simply said, taking a bite out of my steak. "He's... Interesting."

    That was huge lie. Philip was dull. Too invested in politics and being king, which had made me even less interested in him. There was no way I would marry him, but for now I would put up an act.

    "That's good," Mother said, looking relieved. "His parents say he's smitten with you."

    "Really?" I tried to hide my disappointment. "He likes me?"

    "Yes." The corners of her mouth lifted up a bit. "He says he thinks you're the one."

    It took everything in me to not look disturbed. That was definitely not good. Philip was not supposed to fall for me. My stomach felt queasy, knowing that if he wanted me I had to marry him. It didn't matter what I wanted, which meant that our marriage was determined by Philip.

    Not feeling hungry anymore, I pushed my plate away from me. Mother looked at me and frowned, and I flushed. I couldn't show her I was upset, so I smiled at her charmingly.

    "I'm full," I lied. "May I be excused?"

    "Of course, Diana," Mother said. "You've been gaining weight and I don't think Philip will like that."

    I flushed at and stood up, looking away in embarrassment. It was true, I was gaining some weight. But it seemed to be in the right places such as my hips, so I had hoped it was for the better. Mother's words erased those thoughts.

    As I turned around to leave, Mother said, "Diana, I forgot to tell you. I have an errand to run at four and I won't be back until midnight."

    My heart lightened up at that and I tried not to look happy as I looked at Mother and nodded. I had been anticipating her next errand and was thrilled to see it happen so soon. It was the best news ever.

    Leaving the dining room, I ran out and up the stairs. Alex popped into my mind and I smiled, wondering what we would do. I was beyond excited to see.


    I was in the centre of town, smiling at families who passed by. The sun was still out at five and there were a bunch of families wandering around town. It was nice, but it also made it hard to find Alex.

    Walking to the fountain, my eyes wandered around the area in front of me. When they couldn't find Alex, I began to frown. Disappointment filled me, knowing I had no idea where Alex would be.

    "Looking for me?" someone asked behind me.

    Startled, I jumped. I turned around quickly and my eyes flew wide, seeing Alex standing before me. He wasn't dressed in his usual slacks and white shirt, but instead in a fancy blue tunic and black pants. I had to admit, his outfit made him look more striking than usual. Probably because the blue brought out the colour of his eyes.

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