Chapter 3

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     My eyes were glued to my town as I wondered if I was truly blind. If I only saw the good and didn't see the bad of the place I ruled over, which definitely made me ignorant. The boy's words from the other day were permanently stitched into my mind, and all I could do was wonder.

     My town was beautiful. Simple, yet beautiful in the way that it was so unlike my castle in areas such as being full of life. I didn't really know anyone and I didn't know every part of the town, but what I did see of it was perfectly fine. There was no poverty or sick people, so I had no idea what that boy was talking about.

     But the word ignorant kept playing over and over again in my mind. Truth be told, I didn't know much about the world outside my castle. It wasn't necessarily my fault because I was stuck in it, but I also knew I needed to put the effort in for my people. My people who if they were suffering, I would help.

     Grabbing my cloak, I draped it around me and ran off with a destination in mind. How I would get to that destination was a mystery, but my pounding heart knew I needed to go. If only to help my guilty conscience at the very least.


     Somehow I ended back at the place I was yesterday. Unlike yesterday however, it was nearly empty. A few kids were kicking a ball around and a couple was walking around the perimeter of the circle, but other than that there was no one. Well, barely anyone.

    As my eyes went to the fountain, I saw a boy sitting on the ledge of it. Studying him for a moment, I realized it was the boy from yesterday.

     Surprise and nerves hit me, seeing him sitting there. He was dressed in black slacks and a white shirt, and his hair was a mess on top of his head. He was staring at the sky, looking oddly peaceful for someone who yelled at me the other day, which made me gulp. It was obvious he hated me.

     But thinking about what he said and how I didn't know where to go, I found myself staring at him. My mind contemplated going over to him and asking him to show me himself, but I felt like that would be a bad idea. I doubted he would agree anyways, because who would want to spend time with the person they hated.

     Suddenly, the boy looked at me. The second his eyes landed on me he looked surprised for a brief second, but then his eyes hardened. From where he sat meters away, he began to glare at me.

     I gulped, but I knew walking away would make me come off as creepy. We made eye contact and unless I wanted to seem like I was admiring him, I had to say something to him. This was my chance.

     Walking over to him, I noticed his eyes turned cold. My heart stuttered with fear, wondering if he would yell at me again. I didn't have the energy for another fight, so I hoped not.

     Reaching him, I stood in front of him. I clasped my hands together in front of me, trying to hide my fear. The boy raised an eyebrow as I took a few seconds to speak.

     "Hi," I said, oddly breathless.

     "Yes princess?" he said, scowling.

     I wondered how someone could hate someone they didn't know. Rumours existed and they could make your perspective of a person change, but he seemed to genuinely hate me. It seemed personal and I tried to think of things I could have done in the past to genuinely offend him - or anyone. Nothing came to mind.

     "I..." I said, not bothering to hide my nervousness. "I was thinking about what you said and I'd like you to show me the people suffering. I really can't believe it until I see it."

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