Chapter 20

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    To my disappointment, I was stuck with Philip a few days after my incredible day with Alex. Although, I was still in a good mood. Too good of a mood, just because of my day with Alex. It had been perfect, fun, and I truly loved being with Alex. He was great company.

    Suddenly, I began to smile. My cheeks heated up as Philip suddenly looked at me from where we sat on a bench. Hoping he wouldn't notice, I looked away and pretended to admire the view in front of me.

    Philip and I sat outside his castle on a wooden bench. We were holding hands and pretending to have a lovely date as we sat in silence. My heart sunk at the idea of this being my future, but I believed that I could fight for my freedom. I had a good feeling that my happily ever after would end me up with Alexander, so I tried to stay optimistic.

   My eyes went to the field in front of me and I sighed lightly, seeing how bare it was. Unlike my flower garden, it was just a plain field. There was literally nothing on it except grass, which made it quite dull. The only thing I could truly admire were trees, but even they were miles away from us.

    "Diana," Philip suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What are your plans for the future?"

    "My plans are to be the best queen possible," I answered honestly, looking back at him with defiance written all over my face. "I want to help everyone."

    Philip rolled his eyes and I thought about our conversation from a few months ago. He was the exact opposite of me. He didn't care about anyone but himself and he hated his townspeople. That was why we would never be a good match. Well, that and the fact that he wasn't a good person and had a questionable sanity.

    "You are so boring," Philip commented, shaking his head. "Your plans for the future should be to rule over everyone and make them your slaves. You should want everyone to fall at your feet and worship you."

    "What are you plans Philip?" I asked, ignoring what he said because for once, I was actually curious to what he would say.

    "Well, I want to create an empire," Philip simply said. "I want to mark more land as mine and get more people to bow down at my feet. I want everyone to eventually treat me like a god."

    I blinked because Philip truly seemed to be insane. He spoke of such things as if it was as simple as deciding what you would eat for dinner, and I was almost sickened by it. Knowing Philip would be a ruthless ruler, I shuddered at the thought of him covering more land as his.

    "Why?" I couldn't help but ask. "Why do you want that?"

    "Because the point of life is to be the best," he said. "The point is to have everyone respect you enough to fall at your feet."

    "If they fall at your feet, I'm pretty sure it's out of fear..."

    "That's fine with me." Philip smirked. "As long as they do whatever I say, I don't care about how they feel."

    I stared at Philip, my eyes squinting from the harsh sun. He stared back at me, looking oddly amused and once again, I felt nauseous. Sickened at the very thought of him. There was no way he could be sane. Not with these sort of thoughts.

    "You... You're so... Insane," I said suddenly, unable to help myself. "Are you serious? Do you really mean what you say?"

    "Yes, I'm serious." He grinned, but it was a scary one. "And you will be a part of all this."


    I knew I couldn't say what I wanted to say, so I let my words drift off. But deep down, I knew I wouldn't marry him. I couldn't when he was insane. But at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder how I would escape him. Seeing how insane he was, I knew it would be a difficult task.

    "Do you ever wonder why I want to marry you?" Philip suddenly asked, bringing my attention back to him.

    "Yes," I said with all honesty, curious. "I do because I know you don't love me. I know you never will, so I don't understand why you would think of marrying me."

    "It's because you're beautiful," he simply said. "You're one of the most beautiful girls I have ever laid eyes on."

    I stared at him, dumbfounded by his simple answer. It wasn't like I didn't expect him to be shallow, but that was an incredibly stupid reason. A reason so stupid that I narrowed my eyes at him.

    "And people will get jealous of me when they see you at my side," Philip continued. "They will be envious because I have everything. An enormous kingdom, tons of money, and a beautiful wife. They will look at what I have and hate me, and that is what I want."

    Philip suddenly grinned and it was malicious. Simply pure evil in a way that had me shrinking. Slowly, I was coming to understand his insanity through our date, and in all honestly, I was growing worried.

    "And don't forget that I need a servant. A special servant. One that will always be at my side and do every last thing I ask for," Philip said, his hand moving to my face and cupping it, forcing me to meet his eyes. "That's you, my dear. You will be my servant and you will do everything that I ask for."

    My eyes went wide and I quickly pulled away from Philip, scared. This definitely couldn't be my future.

    "I will not be your servant," I shot back, glaring at him.

    "But you have to. You have no choice." He smirked, his eyes filling with arrogance. "Unless you want your mother's secret being told to everyone and unless you want everyone in your region hating you and thinking your mother is a slut, you have no choice but to be my wife."

    "You're horrible," I said, stunned by how honest he sounded. "Do you know that?"

    His smirk widened and that alone was an answer. As he looked pleased with himself, I knew that made him happy. Seeing people suffer gave him joy. I understood why he wanted everyone to be his servant. He wanted to see them suffer under him.

    "Yes, but in the end I will have everything that I want," he said. "That's all I care abut in this world."

    Philip pulled me to him and his lips were suddenly on mine. I gasped, shocked by the sudden movement. He kissed me sloppily and I nearly gagged. As I moved my arms to push him, he then grabbed them and forced them to my side.

    So I was stuck there, left to kiss the boy I despised. Tears flooded into my eyes as he forcefully kissed me with his disgusting lips. It made me feel weak and I hated the thought that I had to allow it. I couldn't leave him or my life would be ruined. It made me emotional and I had to fight back tears, even as he pulled away from me.

    Grinning with a proud look, Philip said, "As my wife, you must let me touch you whenever I want to. Got that?"

    I looked away and forced myself not to cry. Even though I knew I couldn't be with Philip and really didn't want to, I had to put up an act. Shivering, I knew I had to stay with him until I could come up with a solution. Usually I would of stayed positive, but suddenly a sense of hopelessness washed over me at the thought of escaping him. I didn't know how to but I really, really wanted to.

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