Chpt. 4 Help! Mrs. Darby!

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AN: sorry you who have my story are probably getting a lot of annoying notifications that I'm updating , but it is only one chapter. That's because I publish it then see something I forgot to edit (i.e. I had use/ instead of us) I'm sorry please feel free to point out any errors I have made I would appreciate it.

Raf's pov

I saw Lava being dragged off by Vince and knowing him it probably was not going to end well. I quickly ran to get Jack knowing that he would help. I found him sitting by Miko. 

"Jack!" I shouted quickly getting his attention. Because I was out of breath, he realized something was wrong.

"Raf what's wrong?" He asked obviously concerned

"The girl in my math class, the one I told you about that is always by herself and that I was assigned to help, Lava, I saw Vince dragging her outside." He stood up quickly

"Show me where you saw them last and where they were headed. Miko go and find a teacher, preferably the principle." With that Jack and I quickly made our way outside to the alley behind the school.

We arrived just in time to see Vince stab her right in the shoulder, she crumpled to the ground. Vince then planted what looked like another solid kick in her side. Lava was all cut up and bleeding quite a bit. It almost looked like she was unconscious.Then Jack spoke up. "Leave her alone Vince."

Vince looked up at up at us. He had a slight look of shock on his face probably from the fact that we were trying to stop him. "This is none of your business Darby. Stay out of it."

I glanced down at Lava and almost gave out a sigh of relief when I saw her looking up at us.

"No, you have no reason to hurt her leave her alone." I looked over at Jack and wished that Miko would get here soon. what was taking her so long?

"Don't worry about me." I looked down at Lava surprised that she could talk right now. "I'll be fine. He's not that bad. I can handle him."I looked at her even more shocked that she didn't even seem to care it was obvious that she was either, used to being pain like this or had high pain tolerance. I really hoped it was the latter. I looked at her and realized that it was most likely the former, because her face was void of all emotions.

 I then noticed that Vince was slowly getting closer to me and Jack. He was also hiding something behind his back. I was staring at him cautiously wondering what he was up to when suddenly Lava, although she was very badly injured jumped toward Vince and yelled, "Raf, Jack run he has a knife!"

I looked at her in horror, when she suddenly froze and we all looked at her stomach. There embedded in her abdomen was Vince's knife. I was shocked that Vince would do that. I knew that Vince was a bully. I was often bullied by him. I never dreamed that he would go and deeply stab them possibly killing them. She soon started to fall backwards. Jack sprinted the short distance between us and caught her before she hit the ground. He looked over at me. 

"Raf call my mom. Lava has lost a lot of blood." I quickly pulled out my cell and called Mrs. Darby who was a nurse at the hospital. As soon as she answered I started talking to even greeting her. 

"Mrs. Darby we need help Vince stabbed her and she's losing blood--" I knew I was rambling, but thankfully she cut me off. 

"Wait, Raf, slow down. What happened?"

"There is this girl who is in my math class, Lava. Vince beat her up in the alley behind the school. Jack and I told him to stop and Vince was hiding a knife behind his back and was going to attack us, but Lava jumped on him and got stabbed in the abdomen in the process. Then Vince ran off."

"I'll be there in less than a minute." With that she hung up and I went to go sit by Jack, who had set Lava on the ground. I checked her pulse. I was no doctor, but I could tell it was low, very low. Thankfully Mrs. Darby arrived very soon along with an ambulance and paramedics. 

"Over here!" I called to get her attention. She heard me and they ran over. 

"Step away," she told us. The paramedics quickly got her into the ambulance. All three of us quickly got into Mrs. Darby's car and followed it to the hospital. We got there and she was rushed into surgery. "Stay here. I need to go help." Mrs. Darby ordered us. So Jack and I sat out in the waiting area. Thankfully Mrs. Darby had thought to call the school to excuse the three of us from our afternoon classes. I hope Lava will be okay. She seems like a nice girl.

Lava's pov

Darkness and cold. That is all I could see was darkness, and it was cold. Am I dead already? I hate being so weak. I was frustrated with myself. I let Vince take me down so easily with a knife, A knife of all damn things. Then I when and saved Raf and Jack. Why did I do that I barely know them. Raf, I know more then Jack. Is it... No I couldn't be.. but.... I don't He probably just reminds me of someone. Someone I don't want to think about. It hurts to much. I guess I don't want Raf's family to get hurt like I got hurt. No one deserves that kind of pain. 

"You are right no one does. You have a good spark within you." A strange voice startled me out of my though I assumed I was alone here guess I was wrong, because now I felt a warm almost comforting presence surround me.

"Who are you? Where am you? Where am I?" I was so confused and slightly scared.

"Don't be afraid child. You are in what you humans would call limbo. As for me, well, it is not time for that to be known child, but you will come to know me in time, just have patience. Now it is time for you to go back some humans are worried."

Then the voice stopped, the presence left, and the cold darkness flooded back in. 

AN: HEY READERS!!!!! I know I said that Lava meets the autobots soon. I will try to make that within the next two chapters.

Thank you all for reading my story even if a a lot of people don't read my story (I wouldn't be surprised) I hope that the ones who do enjoy it. I am truly very shocked at how many people who have read this story. I am like drop dead shocked I have almost 70 views. To me that's like. WOW!! thank you all so much for reading. I will try to update again soon. Again feel free to vote and comment I would love feedback.

 Also does anyone want to guess who Lava met in limbo. First two to guess correctly gets their names mentioned in the next chapter!

Till All Are One


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