28.Evelyn Mariko

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Hey guys!

Just thanking you for the personal messages and all the votes and new fans!

And by the way, i would be so happy if you could check out my other story, "A mission to kill an alpha" I would be forever happy! :D 



Bill’s POV

My palms were getting sweatier the closer we came to the booth. I sent a hesitant glance towards Tom who looked just as nervous as I felt.

We were walking the last few meters towards the booth, which was swamped with guys in dark clothes. As soon as we stepped up to the both, two gigantic men stood up and stood in our way. I frowned slightly as Tom went into his own ice-profile.

"Oh Dirkos, It’s just my two sweethearts" a chirping giggling voice said behind them and I shuddered at the sound. The two gigantic men stepped aside and revealed Evelyn.

She sat in the center with two girls on each side of her. They were all in bright colored clothes and had very white, fair skin with long straight black hair, either giggling or looking scowling at other people.

Evelyn on the other hand had shoulder length, curly dark brown hair, grey eyes and a tan, showing she had been out of the country.

With a bright red dress, sticking out from all of the restaurant guest she had on a big grin plastered on her too pretty face. She made a single whip with her hand and all of the people in the booth cleared out, leaving us three alone.

"Come sit with me" she chirped patting the seats next to her. Tom and I obliged and took a seat next to her.

"It’s nice to see you again" she grinned and looked between the both of us who said nothing. Tom and I didn’t want anything to do with her.


"Oh Bill you won’t believe the night I had" Tom said as he slumped down into our couch with a satisfied grin on his face. I shrugged my shoulders at the first thing he said to me this late morning.

"Oh really?" I said with as little enthusiasm as I could with my voice, while lazily looking through a magazine and not looking at my brother.

"Bill, come on" Tom groaned instantly annoyed by my lack of interest in the conquests of the night.

"What?" I said in the same tone and turned page in my magazine.

"Fine, don’t act like I’m here then" Tom scowled making me sigh. I looked up at him with a fake smile, showing my non-existent interest. His frown turned into a big smirk.

"You will never guess, which girl wanted to come home with me last night" he smirked. I groaned.

"Tom I don’t care at all, just tell me" I groaned and gave him a flat look.

"Okay it was Evelyn Mariko" he said with a smirk and leaned back in the sofa.

My brain of thought stopped as I stared at him.

"Tom, don’t tell me you slept with her last night" I said accusing. He frowned at me.

"I thought you’d be psyched for me" he said making me growl.

"Tom, if you haven’t forgotten, she is the daughter of Yoshi Mariko, the most powerful man in Yakuza who ever lived" I said as he rolled his eyes.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Where stories live. Discover now