~ Chapter 17 ~

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Heyy guys, like I said in my previous post,  I have forgotten how I wanted my story to go, so pleas exscuse the next few chapters as they might be boring, I just need to get the hang of it again. But enjoy.

~ Alyssa 's P.O.V ~
"Let's go" said daniel looking at me and then walking towards the door. "Honestly adam it's fine, I don't mind dropping Alyssa off" said Daniel turning around to look at adam then turning back to walk out the door, before adam could say anything, i then looked at Adam amd smiled and thanked him anyway and followed daniel out.

Daniel walked to his cars and I followed him behind, he then opened the passenger's doors for me, I thanked him as I was getting inside. He then got inside the driver side and asked where abouts I live as he was putting his seat belt on and  started the car. I then gave him directions.

~ Adam's P.O.V ~
"thanks" Alyssa said as we locked eye contact. She then quickly turned around and carried on what she was doing... I then went back to what i was doing, most of the shift went by daniel and Alyssa flirting and meminding my own business. I just cant stop but get lost in my thoughts about this girl from school. Shes driving me mad. I need to find her.

After we finished and cleaned away, we all headed upstairs to get our stuff alyssa and daniel still talking to each other. Of course, no surprise there. I just can't believe they both ignored throughout that shift. Daniel, he's suppose to be a mate but ditched me for the stalker alert and I thought I would give her a chance and try to speak to her.

I watched as Alyssa and Daniel grabbed their stuff and was about to leave. "Daniel can I have a quick word" I said and watched alyssa and Daniel stop walking towards the door and looked up at me...I then looked at Alyssa and then Daniel "in private" i said gain looking back at Alyssa. I couldn't have her getting involved and see the nice side of me again and I dont want her to see me apologising to Daniel and beside I want to tell him about the girl in school. You see daniel is like an older brother I've never had.

"Sure" said Daniel and pulled a face at Alyssa apologetic face.  "oh well I shall see you's soon" she then said looking at daniel and then me. We both nodded and watched her walking out the door.

"You ok mate" said daniel looking at me.

"Yeah but no, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being funny you before, it wasn't me and wasn't nice of me to take it out on you"

"Already forgotten mate, don't worry little bro" Daniel said hugging me

I smiled and hugged him back

"Wait you took it out on me? Tool what out on me" he then said poking my stomach

"Well I don't know how to say this, but I like this girl and I dont even know who she is, what she looks, what she does..nothing.  but the fact that she ca sing really good, and that we both sort of feel the same about life" I said quickly, looking down thinking he must think am crazy.

"Woah woah, breathe calm down snd explain slowly" he said resting his hands on my each of my shoulders.
So I did we then came up with a plan sort of. Not a really good one but small steps eyy.

We both then walked toward Alyssa mum. "Adam walk Alyssa home again please" she said to me pleasing. 
Alyssa then looked at me.

"oh ill drive you home, if you want" Daniel said looking at alyssa, she then said "No its fine, I don't mind I'll walk her"

"I don't care who takes Alyssa home, just get home... its getting late" mum said getting a bit annoyed as she had other things to do then talking about who's taking the stalker home. She then smiled bye and walked away.  "Let's go" said daniel. Looking
Alyssa and then walking towards the door. "Honestly adam it's fine, I don't mind dropping Alyssa off" said Daniel turning around to look at me then turning back to walk out the door, before i could say anything, like i really wanted to drop her off anyway. Speaking of the devil she looked at me and smiled and thanked me the  followed daniel out. I don't why I'm being horrible to her. Maybe cause I'm jealous of the fact she had it easy, by being alone and being herself; not making friends cause the sake of it cause she knew they were fake. I really do wonder how she's doing in high school now. I bet she's happy as hell. Like they say it pays off in the end.

As I walking home, i just kept thinking there wasn't something right about Alyssa. I need to figure it out. I want to get to know the new real her. But maybe she has realised how rich I am so now she's running back to me that's if she remembers me ? I don't we'll just have to see.

Time flew by me thinking about Alyssa, life and how I'm going to find this girl.


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