~Ch.p6 another day at work~

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The next day I got the bus to work, I got on a packed bus, great. I seen people from school but they don't know me, they don't recognise me, I'm just a regular person to them, but one person caught my eye. Adam. We locked eyes together for a second, we both knew what we were both thinking. "Don't tell anyone about him singing".

I walked past him and sat a few seats behind him. My stop was here, I stood up, he stood up. I got off the bus walking to my work place with me walking behind Adam until it came to point where he turned around and shouted "why the hell are you stalking me?!?"

"What! Why the hell will I be stalking you?" I shouted back, walking past him as i pushed his shoulders a little. yes I might have lost my confidence but I sure I'm getting it all back.

He followed behind me shouting "I don't know, you tell me, first you stalk me at my own bedroom, then you get on the same bus as me and now your following me where I'm going.." He stopped talking and seen me going into his "parents", my "new bosses" restaurant.

I still just ignored what he had said. He followed me inside, forgetting what he was saying a second ago and said "you work here?"

I said sarcastically "you don't say" still pissed off with what he had said before.

He looked shocked. I went upstairs with him still behind me, I took my coat off, he did the same, it was awkward, we both didn't speak to each other, just gave each other evil glares really.

We went downstairs and start working, it was a busy night for a Sunday. We kept having awkward eye contact and there was me thinking i could make new friends by working here.

It was getting late my bosses came up to both of us and said "right you guys go home, you've both got school tomorrow, we'll clean up, Adam drop Alyssa off to her house" Adams mum said

"No! Honestly it's fine, I can go home by myself" I said not wanting Adam to come anywhere near me, and walking out the door, while Adam glared at his parents and walked behind me.

As we got outside I said "you go home, I can go by myself" he smirked

and said "as if I was going to take you home anyway"

I just ignored him and walked away leaving him, I'm glad he didn't want to take me home. I put my earphones on and started to walk home, I didn't want to get the bus because Adam was probably going to be on the same bus and he would think I'm stalking him again!

As I was walking through my street, I could hear foot steps behind me, i put the volume of my music down not making it obvious for the person behind me, I was by my house gate, I waited for the person to walk past me, as they did I grabbed them and pulled their hood down and seen Adam... "what the hell are you doing here?" I said, he didn't say anything but walked past me.

I smirked and said "you call me a stalker"

he stopped walking and turned around and said "as if I want to stalk you, like I've got nothing better to do, which girl walks home alone at this time unless they want to get raped, killed or kidnapped"

He paused looking at me waiting for a comeback then said "point proven" and then walked away.

Stupid girl I said to myself why would anyone want to stalk me. I went inside and went to bed...


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