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You were in a meeting with Erwin, Shadis, and three other soldiers. You were discussing  the trio and the upcoming expedition. Flagon slammed his hand on the table in frustration.

"Quite frankly, this is humiliating!" He exclaimed, "Are you honestly telling us, who have always held formality in high regard, to accept a bunch of criminals? Our men's modal will be tainted if we allow those underground scum to join the ranks!"

"I am in agreement with Flagon. And to suggest we take these criminals with us on an Expedition?" A fellow soldier agreed.

"Oh piss off with your one sided views. I was originally from the underground as well," you intervened.

"Well yes, but you were younger, and didn't commit as many crimes," Flagon replied.

"I did what I had to do to survive, but besides that's besides the point," you brushed off.

"I understand your concerns, but I can personally vouch for their 3dmg skills," Erwin spoke up.

"The new formation that Erwin has been working on is quite ground breaking," Shadis added, "It emphasizes importance not on how best to kill the Titans, but how we should best avoid them. I believe our casualties will be greatly reduced."

"Well, yes, but we don't usually have a lot of casualties thanks to Sergeant Y/n," the other guy said.

"Oi, don't jinx it," you growled.

"What those scum lack are discipline and manners. It should only require a short amount of time to train them," Shadis explained.

"I'll keep them in check. That's why I want them in my squad. However, it's Levi that is most troublesome. Isabel and Farlan are fine," you piped up. "They're not idiots, so they should be fine." You sat back in your chair and crossed your legs.

"We'll end things here for today," Shadis finalized before standing up.

You woke up with a slight jerk, feeling oddly warm and mildly uncomfortable. You shifted around a bit, only to realize you had a blanket draped over your shoulders. You let it fall off of you and to the floor, looking down at it.

'Weird. who put that on me?' You thought. You shrugged it off, believing Anaka did it. You yawned before stretching your body, hearing multiple cracks that relieved the kinks that you received from sleeping on your desk. You looked at the window and saw the sun directly overhead.

"Oh FUCK!"

You finally made it out to the training fields. The trio were assigned to bond with their horses and tested on their maneuver gear. Isabel was in a closed-in area, riding her horse. She was actually doing quite well, despite never riding a horse before that.

"Nice Isabel. You're a natural," you said over to her with a small smile.

"Thanks!" She replied while whipping the reins once more. The horse took off faster. You turned around and jogged over to where Levi was. Flagon, Hanji, and Moblit, you believed, were there as well. Levi pulled out a blade and held it in an over-handed grip, so that the blade was facing backwards.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Those blades weren't designed to be held like that. Do you want to die the moment you step outside those walls?" Flagon chastised.

"That might just happen to you," Levi bit back.

"What did you just say?"

"Oi, Flagon, let it go. Obviously it's more comfortable to hold the blade like that for him. And Levi, don't forget what I said to you yesterday. Bring it down five notches," you ordered. He was silent for a moment.

A Soldier's Heart |Attack on Titan| |Reader Insert| |Discontinued|Where stories live. Discover now