More training!

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Around a week later, things went back to normal. Turns out you were just sleep deprived, and had a slight fever on top of that. But now you were back into action on the training grounds.

"Alright everyone, gather around!" You clapped your hands. All of them moved like sloths on a hot summer day. "HURRY THE FUCK UP, WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" Your sudden demonic yell made everyone practically trip over their feet. When they all gathered around them you smiled brightly.

"Alrighty, your training has been going great! But I don't think you're at your full potential yet. So, you'll all compete against me, one on one, with hand-to-hand combat, a 3DMG race, and a Titan killing competition," you explained, clapping your hands together lightly. Most of their eyes widened.

"What?! We're going up against Humanities Blade?!"
"There's no way we can beat her!"
"What kind of training is this?!"
"I think I'm gonna be sick!"

You laughed. "Now now, save your barfing for later. Yes, I am aware that I'm stronger than you, but don't forget this. In order to grow stronger, mind and body, you need to go up against someone who's already stronger than you. You either win, or you don't. The choice is up to you." Your declaration sparked determination in their eyes. More so Eren than anyone else. "I'm going to work with you all one on one each day, but since there are over 200 of you... this might take a while. Alright, you all have a ten minute break. Rest up, hydrate, go piss, throw up, whatever." You dismissed them with a wave of your hand. (Only doing the trio. Edit: Lazy ass bitch)

"Are you sure about this? I mean, you only got over a fever," Shadis asked with concern walking closer to you. You gave him a cheeky smile.

"I'm fine. I promise. I feel better than ever," you replied. He looked at you skeptically before nodding.


"Alright, hand to hand combat is first. So..." Your eyes scanned the crowd. They then connected to fiery green ones. You smirked lightly.

"Cadet Jeager, come here," you called. He confidently strode towards you. "So basically, I'll just be evaluating you in all areas. I'll try to be as nice as possible, but if you suck, you suck." He nodded in understanding.

"Aight Cadet Jeager, show me what you got," you instructed, getting in a stance. He didn't waste a second.

"Here I go!" He called, running towards you. He tried to punch you, but you just sidestepped him. He then swung his leg, trying to kick your legs from under you, but you jumped and volley kicked that little shit in the face. He was blown away from you.

"Eren!" Mikasa called out to him. He rolled around on the ground, few feet away from you. An obvious bruise was already appearing on his cheek.

"Not bad overall, but here's the problem. When you fight, you fight too aggressively and make unnecessary moves. When you're battling someone, whether you have a weapon or not, you're suppose to be tough, but you're also suppose to be relaxed. Get it?" You asked. He got off the ground and nodded, wiping some blood off of his chin.

"So, all I have to do is relax?" He asked. You nodded.

"Correct. You're too aggressive. That's why I was able to knock you down. Try again."
He nodded while getting into another stance. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and out. Then he slowly opened them and you could see his body relax more. You ran at it him this time, and tried to volley kick him again, but he swiftly grabbed your leg, making your body twist and fall towards the ground. Your arms broke the fall and you went up into a pike-like position. You twisted your body so that you were facing upwards and tried to kick him with your other leg. He finally let go of you and jumped back. You did a kip-up and got back into a stance until you let a smirk cross your face. You straightened up.

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