Week 1, pt5

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You sighed and slowly turned the small rabbit you were cooking for dinner. You managed to catch it a while ago and somehow was able to kill it with a stick. Besides that one titan, no others had attempted to confront you. They would look at you, turn around, and walk away. You didn't know what was going on anymore, but you didn't care. As long as you're alive, it doesn't matter how.

'It's been two days since I escaped from that dungeon... I don't know how I'm still alive...' You thought, staring into the crackling fire. You removed the cooked rabbit from the fire and began to eat it. It wasn't the best tasting thing, but it would have to do for now.

'I don't know how long I'll be out here.' You thought while pulling out its leg bone. You groaned as you realized how long it would take to get to the walls. You're too tired to walk right now, the only source of water you had was a lake, but you can't take the fucking lake with you, and you have nothing to carry it in, short of your hands, but that's hard. You let out a sigh and rested your forehead against the back of your hand.


Hanji has had enough. Enough. You were somewhere out there, alone, injured, and extremely susceptible to titans. You needed to be found, not only for your sake, but for the others as well. Especially Levi's.

"Commander Erwin!" Hanji yelled, barging through his office doors. Erwin, totally expecting this, calmly looked up from his paperwork. "Maybe Y/n's not dead and she's wandering aimlessly! We have to find her!" Hanji slammed her hands onto the desk and glared at him with all her might. Erwin just sighed. As much as he doesn't want to waste precious soldiers and resources, Hanji would never stop pestering him and Levi would continue to be in his gloomy mood. He had no choice but to give in.

"I understand. I'm apologize for my uncouth behavior. You're allowed to bring five people along with you. Choose wisely," Erwin agreed, going back to his papers. Hanji squealed, barely containing her happiness.





"Shorty!!! Get up, we're going out!!!"

"... where?" He asked, glancing up at her.

"We're going to find Y/n! Duh!" Hanji replied. At this, Levi perked his head up.

"Fine," he agreed. Hanji squealed, jumping up into the air.

Hanji's small squad consisted of Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Levi, and Mike.

"Alright, our mission is to find Y/n! Eren, Armin, Mikasa, you're with each other. Mike, Levi, you're with me. We have the flares, let's go!" Hanji said while charging on her horse through the gates.

"Wait you shitty glasses!" Levi shouted after her.

Once you were done eating, you drank as much water as you could and started to run away from your little camp, putting out the fire first. In about half an hour, you exited the forest. However, due to the flat land, titans were easier to spot and so were you. One of them saw you and made a beeline straight towards you. Not to mention it was an abnormal. You began running as fast as your legs could carry you.

'Not good, not good, not good!!' You thought. You looked all around for any cover, but your eyes only landed on a small pond filled with water that magically appeared there. (Thank you Ruby-chan~ Edit: Shut the fuck up.) You looked back behind you and saw the abnormal titan running towards you.

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