New Trainee's

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You were in your office, like you have been for the past thousand years. It's been a year since Wall Maria fell. During that time you lost 20% of the population due to Titans killing off 90% of the soldiers and refugees that were sent to retake Wall Maria.

'That mission was bound to fail anyways.' You thought while signing off another document.

'Shadis should be training the new cadets now.' You finished off the stack of papers. You got out of your chair and exited your office. Down one of the hallways you spotted Asher and some girl kissing. From what you remembered, he had liked that girl for a while now.

"Don't have babies!!" You shouted. He jumped and turned towards you, his face heated..

"SE-SERGEANT!" He stuttered out. You let out a heart laugh, walking away.

"Sorry!!" You yelled back. Once you got to Erwin's office door, you knocked quietly.

"Name?" His low voice called out.

"The unicorn queen," you replied.

"Come in." You opened the door and saw him doing paperwork from two huge piles.

"I'm surprised you actually let me into your office with that alias," you commented with a small smile, closing the door.

"It's not even an alias," he replied. You gave him a lopsided grin.

"Well damn, didn't know you were going to attack me like this." He smiled at you slightly.

"So what do you need?" He asked.

"I was wondering if I had permission to oversee the new trainee training," you replied, rocking back and forth on your heels.

"And why are you asking me?"

"You're the commander, my superior. How much more specific do I need to be?"
He thought about it for a moment.

"Go ahead, but don't stay too long," he agreed. You rolled your eyes.

"Yes, yes, thank you, see you later," you replied, briefly saluting him before leaving his office. You bounded down the hallway, passing by Levi.

"Why're you so happy?" He asked you, noticing your slightly chipper mood.

"I'm going to oversee the 104th Trainee Squad," you replied with a smile.


"Because It's been a while since I've seen a trainee squad?"

"Whatever." He walked away from you.

"Damn... who pissed in your tea?" You turned a corner, when—

You froze.

"That's my cue." You broke out into a dead sprint, running away from the hyper brunette.

"Y/N!!!" She somehow caught up to you and jumped, knocking both of you to the floor.

"The hell, Hanji?!" You glared up at her.

"Y/N!!!" She whined,kicking her feet up and down. "Why are you leaving me~?"

"I'm not~ I'm just visiting~"

"But I wanna do experiments with you~"

"I'm sorry~ I can't~"

"But Y/n~"

Sooner than later, Hanji finally released you and stood up, ranting on about her latest experiments and theories about the titans. You calmly told her that as much as you loved hearing her rants, you had to go. Which you did, before she could say anything. You ran out to the stables and grabbed your horse.

"Ready to go?" You spoke. Your horse snorted in response.

"Come on. Let's go." You mounted H/n, who neighed before galloping out of the stables and to the training ground.

You arrived at the training grounds and saw Shadis doing his 'rite of passage', which was basically scaring the shit out of the poor cadets. You tied your horse to a wooden pole and hopped off.

"Yo! Shadis!" You called out. He stopped screaming at the poor kid and turned his body towards you.

"Sergeant? Why are you here?" He asked. You shrugged lightly, walking over to him.

"Just wanted to see what you've been up to," you replied while kicking a rock over with your foot. He nodded in agreement, walking over to you and putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Alright maggots!! This is Sergeant Y/n L/n of the Survey Corps!! Treat her with the upmost respect!!" He yelled.

"No way! That's Sergeant L/n?"

"I heard she has over 200 Titan kills!"

"She's Humanities Blade?"

"She's a lot prettier up close!"
You smiled a little at all of the whispers.

"Alright, enough talking!!!!" Shadis yelled, immediately shutting them up. "Sergeant Y/n is being kind enough to help train your worthless asses!!!!"

"Train us?"

"Wait... what does that mean?"

"She looks weak as hell"
Your brow twitched unintentionally. You scanned the rows when your eyes landed on the girl who made that comment. You walked up to the girl and stood in front of her. She was about two inches taller than you, but she was definitely a lot weaker, mind and body.

"What's your name?" You asked lowly, tilting your chin up.

"Arianna Tranz, ma'am!" She yelled out, keeping her eyes above your head.

"Look at me, cadet," you ordered. Slowly, she tilted her head down. Her whole body grew stiff when she saw your scowl. "Word of advice, Arianna if you open your disgusting mouth again in front of me, you won't die by a titan's hand, but mine instead." Your voice was as venomous as a snake. It was quiet enough that only she heard it, but the message was loud and clear. Insult me in front of my subordinates again, and I'll kill you.
She nodded weakly, staring straight into your eyes which held nothing but malice. Then, in a bizarre 180, you smiled brightly.

"Good! Just make sure you keep your mouth shut, alright? Don't want anyone to get hurt," you said before laughing and walking back to the front of the cadets. Most of their faces held shock or just plain fear. "I'm well aware of my stature, everyone, however, if any of you truly feel the need to prove your strength over me, then by all means, you're more than welcomed to fight me in a one on one." You gave them a wickedly sweet smile. The lot of them had sweat blooming on their foreheads or their necks.

"So let's start training!" You exclaimed, clapping your hands.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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