57th expedition.

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Yo! It's been a while, huh? Well, hiya! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Edit: Shut the fuck up

You and Squad Levi were in the mess hall. It was later in the night. Everyone was still sore from the training you put them all through.

"Geez Commander, I didn't know you liked torturing us so much..." Gunther groaned, rubbing his back where you had karate chopped him. You smirked, taking a sip of your drink.

"Sorry Gunther. I guess I hit you too hard, but if you're sore, it means you were working muscles you never have before. So that's good," you said to him.

"Is that so?" 

"I have to admit, the training was hard, but nothing I couldn't handle," Olou said with a lackadaisical smirk. Your brow twitched. Levi sensed that and gently placed his hand over yours. You didn't acknowledged him for the sheer fact that you grew annoyed.

"Olou, do me a favor and pick up that knife near you," you said to him, shrugging off Levi's hand and standing up.

"Hah?" He looked at you, confused.

"Just do as I say," you hissed. He sighed, picking up the knife, and standing up.

"Now what?" He asked. Your eye twitched again.

"Alright Olou. Since you're 'too good' for my intermediate training--"

"That was intermediate!?" Petra whispered to Eld and Gunther.

"--you've now gone into the intense training and skipped medium and hard," you finished.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked, raising a brow at you.

"You screwed yourself, idiot," Petra said with an amused smile on.

"Come at me and try to stab me," you offered, spreading your arms and legs. You left yourself open and vulnerable.

"Y/n," Levi lightly scolded, but he didn't bother to stop you.

"EH?! Are you crazy?!" Olou exclaimed.

"Yes. Now come!" You urged. A wave of uneasiness washed over him, you sensed it, but nonetheless he ran towards you. When he was a mere foot away from you, you grabbed the arm that was holding the knife and swept his legs out from under him. He landed on his back with a grunt, tossing the knife into the air. You caught the knife and twirled it around in your hand. You walked over him and smiled down at him, throwing the knife right next to his head. He flinched away, shielding his head. "Next time you say you're better than everyone when you're clearly not, that knife will go in your head." You smiled at him.



"I heard there's going to be a large expedition coming up in 30 days. That'll include the rookies too," Eld said. Everyone at the same time turned their head towards Eren, including Olou who looked ready to pass out. "I still don't understand what it's like to 'become a titan'."

"Yeah. I haven't even seen Eren's titan form yet. When's that going to happen?" You asked, pushing the chair onto its back legs. Levi lightly sighed from next to you.

"You're always interested in the weirdest things," he said. You glanced at him.

"True true, but yet here you are, with me," you said with a smile. Levi sighed, but was also slightly smiling. At least, that's what you thought he was doing. Suddenly, there was a crash at the door, so Petra got up and removed the wooden board from across it.

"Good evening Squad Levi!" Hanji greeted. You sighed, taking a sip of your tea.

"You're here early, aren't you?" You asked her. Hanji chuckled, standing next to you.

"Of course I am. I came here for two reasons. One was Eren and the second..." She trailed off. You rose a brow at her.

"Second...?" You repeated.

"TO CONGRADULATE YOU ON YOUR FIGURATIVE ENGAGMENT!!!" She yelled, picking you up into the air and hugging you tightly.

"Commander!" Everyone exclaimed in shock.

"My what?" You asked, looking down at her.

"OH YOU'RE GROWING UP SO FAST!" She swung you side to side.

"Tch. Shitty glasses, put her down, you're going to make her throw up and I don't want to have to clean that," Levi said.

"Yeah, I concur," you added. Hanji dropped you to the floor and skipped over to Eren. You let out a breath. Levi got out of his chair and crouched down to you.

"You okay?" He asked while helping you up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm probably going to be killed by her rather than a titan," you replied. Levi clicked his tongue and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Let's go. It seems she won't leave for a while," Levi whispered to you. You glanced at her and saw her engrossed with Eren. You nodded and turned around, leaving the room along with the rest of Squad Levi, leaving Eren alone with her.

'Have mercy on him.' You thought. When you got to Levi's office, you unwrapped his arm from your waist. He looked at you in slight curiosity.

"I have a shit ton of paperwork to do. I'm sure you do too. I'll come back to sleep unless I fall asleep on my desk," you said, already starting to leave. Levi grabbed your wrist, which made you turn your head to look at him.

"Are you alright? You haven't really said much on what happened to you," he asked, concerned. You gave him a small smile.

"I'm fine! Really, I'm just... not completely fine with it myself, so just wait a little longer, okay?" You replied. He looked at you skeptically before walking closer and placing a soft kiss on your cheek.

"Tch. Fine, but don't expect me to wait that long, shitty brat," he muttered against your skin. You laughed lightly.

"Yeah yeah, I got it. I'll see you later. If you get done before me, try to get some sleep," you said, kissing his forehead before walking out of his office. You closed the door softly behind you. You turned and started walking towards your office, a small frown on your face.

'It seems I'm a Titan shifter like Eren. Regeneration, crystal armor, titans ignoring me.' You thought while entering your office.

'It seems I'll just have to wait until the expedition to find out what I can do.' You closed the door and walked over to your desk.

'But for right now, I should focus on getting this shit done with...'

It certainly has been a while. What's up? If you hadn't noticed, I changed A LOT in this story, so hopefully It's more enjoyable and less cringe worthy. 


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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