Diagnose me as crazy

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The next day, you were eating breakfast with Hanji, who was ranting about Titans nonstop since you got there.

"Oh, by the way, when are you going to talk with Erwin about your promotion?" She asked. You let out a quiet sigh.

"Today, obviously," you replied.

"Are you going to agree to it?" She sipped more of her mystery drink she made herself.

"I would like to, but honestly, I don't think I'm ready."
Hanji laughed loudly, slapping you on the back.

"You'll be fine!!!"

"Thanks" you replied, giving her a small smile. "Well, I guess I'll be going." You got up from the table and walked away.

"Good luck!!" She called to you. You waved your hand back at her, exiting the mess hall. As you got to Erwin's office, slight doubt clouded your mind.

'What if I'm not ready? What if I fail to live up to the name? What if Erwin thinks I'm not ready? What if--' Your thoughts were interrupted by your own knocking.

"Name?" His voice called out.

"The unicorn queen," you replied.

You slowly turned the knob and walked in.

"Can I help you?" He asked. You sighed, closing the door behind you.

"Don't beat around the bush Erwin, you know why I'm here," you said. He smirked lightly.

"Ah, impatient as always. So? What is your answer?"
You straightened up.

"I would be honored to be Second in Command," you said confidently. He smiled before nodding.

"I'll inform the higher ups. Congratulations, Commander," he said with a soft smile.

"Thank you, Commander," you said, saluting him. "By the way, I'm going to the forest to train my maneuver gear." He tilted his head.

"What for? You don't need the training."
You shrugged.

"I'm full of surprises I guess."

You tightened your gear as you eyed the forest, memorizing the pattern and where each tree was. You jumped off the ground, but heard a rustle in the bushes, making you snap your head in the direction, but fall flat on the ground.

"Geez, what the hell was that?" You muttered from the ground. You stood up, brushing dirt off from your pants.

'Man, I'm going to get a good scolding from Levi later.' You thought. You slowly straightened up and looked towards the bushes.

"Who's there?" You called out, drawing one of your blades. Only silence greeted you.

You sheathed your blade and blasted off. You hooked your gear into different trees, dodging, flipping, everything you could think of. You hooked your wires right behind a branch and did a flip around it. You retracted the hook, but it got caught on the branch, making you snap back, breaking the wires, and falling down. You shielded your head, landing on the ground, but all you saw after was black.

"Hey...! You alright...?! Hey...!" You could hear an unfamiliar voice ask you. You slowly opened your eyes, vision blurry at first, but once your vision cleared, you could clearly see who was in front of you.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks Mr. Bear," you replied, unconsciously patting its nose. "... wait..."

'Bear?' You slowly looked up into its eyes. The brown bear stared back at you with curious eyes, no obvious signs of attacking. 

"Uh... I..." You stuttered, "Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?" You blinked several times, trying to make out if you actually were in reality--which you couldn't be. Reality doesn't have talking bears.

"Are you done?" He asked. You shook your head one more time, just to make sure you weren't hallucinating.

"... yeah?" You blinked a few times. "Okay, how the fuck can I understand you? Did I fall harder than I first thought?" The bear tilted his head.

"Your father didn't tell you?" He asked. You had to do a mental double take.

"My... my father?" You repeated.


"Oh god, another bullshit story." You hung your head in defeat.

"So, to put it shortly. Your father didn't come from the walls. He came from a village a long ways away from the walls. They coexisted with titans," the bear explained. Your raised a brow.

"They... coexisted with titans?"

"Yes, now shut up and let me talk."

"Damn, aight."

"The were afraid of the titans. Deathly so," he explained, "But after a couple of years, they realized something. The titans didn't go for them--didn't even acknowledge them." You nodded along, not believing a single word the hallucinated bear said.

"I see, interesting."

"Now," he started, "It's time to wake up." You tilted your head.

"Wake up? I thought I already was awoken?"

"Wake up Y/n."


"Eh? What you mean?" Hanji asked. You looked around and saw Levi, Erwin, Hanji, Mike, and Asher, all looking at you concerned.

'It was a dream?' You thought.

"You know what... never mind... what happened?" You asked, gently clutching your head because of an oncoming headache.

"You fell and blacked out. We came here about 15 minutes ago. You were gone for about three hours," Erwin explained.

"I have a bitchass headache, can I just sleep?" You asked, dizzy from the sudden jerk upwards.

"Of course. Asher, go take--"

"--Levi! Go take Y/n to the infirmary," Hanji interrupted Erwin. He looked at you before sighing.

"Fine, I'll take the dumbass," he said, putting your arm around his neck, and his arm around your waist. He helped you up and started to walk back towards HQ. You could've sworn you heard Hanji snicker, but that could've just been you hallucinating.

"You're a fucking idiot, aren't you?" 

"Took you that long to realize?"

'But that dream... the hell was that about?'


Edit: I wanted to fucking off myself while doing this chapter, I am so sorry for those who've read this over and over, I will gladly pass away now.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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