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You and the rest of the Survey Corps were waiting behind the gate, waiting for it to open. You were next to Levi who was in front of his squad who was surrounding Eren. The bells rang, signaling the start of the expedition.

"Thirty seconds until we open the gates!" A solider shouted. You let out a breath, calming your heart.

'Calm down. Everything's alright.' You thought, managing to calm yourself and put on a stoic face.

'Lock up your emotions. Only show them when needed. Don't let anything faze you.' You sighed again, this time feeling more relaxed. The anxiety went away and you couldn't feel anything. Mentally or emotionally. You suddenly felt a hand on yours and turned to see Levi, with what looked to be concern on his face.

"Stay alive," he said, squeezing your hand. You nodded and squeezed his hand back.

"You too."

"It's time! Humanity will take another step forward! Show me what you can do!" The soldier shouted. The others around you cheered as the gate began to open.

"Advance!!" Erwin ordered, whipping the reins of his horse. Everyone began to gallop out of the walls. You entered the old town and rode through there.

"10 meter class approaching from the left!" Hanji called out. You looked to left and saw a balloon sized Titan.

'Man... I really want to cut a nape right now...' You thought, watching the support squad distract it. Erwin ordered you split into different sectors, the Long-Distance Scouting Formation. Levi, the squad, and you stayed in the middle, closer to the back.

"Y/n, stay by my side," Levi said to you.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Subordinate," you replied with a smirk. He just glared at you. You suppressed a laugh.

"I have a report! It's a verbal message!" A messenger rode up alongside Levi. "The search squad on the right flank received a devastating blow!"

'What?' You thought, brow raising.

"They've lost the capability to scout the enemy! Please relay this message to the left flank!" The soldier said.

"Petra. You heard him. Go," you ordered. She looked at you and nodded before riding to where the left flank was. Suddenly, three black flares were simultaneously shot.

"Black flares?! A variant?!" Eren exclaimed.

"Eren. You fire it," Levi ordered.

"Yes sir!" Eren replied, beginning to load the gun.

"What a mess... they let it get awfully deep inside the formation," Levi said so only you heard it.

"What should we do if it catches up?" You asked. He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes.

"Hell if I know. You can do whatever you wish. It's not my choice," he replied. You hummed in thought.

'It's already killed many soldiers. I could end its life right then and there, but we need information. If I kill it who knows what could happen. All those deaths would be for naught then.' You thought.

A little while later you entered the forest of giant trees. While it was ideal for your 3DMG, it was harder to spot titans. Though there was a pathway you could follow. Suddenly, you felt a ping in your stomach. An instinct. A feeling. You drew your sword right as a black flare shot off right behind you.

"A black flare?!" Eren exclaimed.

"That came from right behind us!"

"People, draw your swords," Levi ordered, "If it shows itself... it'll only be for a moment." You felt the female Titan right behind you, your gut screaming at you to slash its nape. A soldier then appeared through the air. A beat of tense silence filled the air, but as quick as a second, he was smashed by the female Titan. You heard Eren gasp as she came barreling towards you all.

"Move it!!" You and Levi ordered. You turned your head and looked back at her.

'Annie... does killing make you feel good? Are you doing this for your own satisfaction? Or... or are you doing this because you're forced to?'
More reinforcements showed up and distracted her long enough that you were able to lead her to a trap. A series of wires and hooks shot out and embedded themselves into the female titan's body, disabling her to move in any way.

'Heh... leave it up to Erwin to think of bat shit crazy ideas.' You thought with a smirk on your face.

"Tie your horses further up ahead and begin 3D maneuver. You will be working separately from me. Take your orders from Y/n." Levi then turned to you with a more softer gaze, though it went unnoticed by the others. "Y/n, stay alive. Don't do anything reckless. Don't die and try not to get hurt from your idiocy."

"Wha—?! Hey! I'm not that big of an idiot you asshat!!!!" You shouted, but he had already started to maneuver back. "DON'T JUST IGNORE ME, YOU BASTARD!!!!"

"Commander, you and Captain seem to tease each other even on the battle field," Petra said with a slight smile. You sighed loudly.

"Yeah right. I love him dearly, but he can be a real pain sometimes," you replied. With a shake of your head, you cleared your mind. "Keep Eren at a suitable distance away from that female titan!"


"I can understand why he wouldn't tell rookies like us, but I can't see why he didn't tell scout regimen veterans."

"Shut up!"

"Are you saying the commander and captain don't trust us?!"

"No, but isn't that how it looks?"

"Petra! Yank that brat's teeth out and stuff them back in his mouth!"

"No, actually, Eren's right," you said from your place on the branch. The three looked at you in shock. "There's a traitor among us. Someone who can do the things Eren can do. Maybe they're working for the titans as a spy."

"A spy? Do you really think there's someone like that?" Gunther asked.

"Why do you think Erwin had this all set up without your knowledge?" You inquired, boredly leaning against the tree.

"You knew?" Eren asked. You looked at him.

"Of course I did. So did Levi and all of the superiors. The ones who survived the titan attack five years ago. The ones who had been a part of the Survey Corps before the fall of Wall Maria were informed. We had a suspicion the spy had joined the 104th squad," you explained, turning your head away.

"There you have it, Eren. That's how it is," Olou said, turning to face him.

"I'm that case, he had no choice..." Petra trailed off.

"Does that mean he's the one who killed Sonny and Bean?" Eld asked.

"It could be. Getting rid of evidence to further discover the nature of titans... smart plan," you quieted your voice. 

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

A Soldier's Heart |Attack on Titan| |Reader Insert| |Discontinued|Where stories live. Discover now