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"Fine, you go first," you nodded at him, still holding his hand. Levi leaned forward on the bed, taking a moment.

"Well, someone paid us a visit," he started. You rose a brow, gesturing for him to continue. "Y/n, your father is in the Mess Hall right now." You stared at him, face dropping slowly.

"He's what?" You asked, eyes glowering. You let go of his hand and looked away from him, eyes growing wide. Reality sank its fangs into you slowly. Your father was in the same building as you, you most likely won't be able to avoid him, and most importantly, you would most likely have to talk to him. "Wait... I'm gonna have to talk to him, aren't I?"

"Oi, calm down," Levi said, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and neck. You let him hug you, staring blankly down at your sheets. "You can get through this. You've gotten through harsher." You sighed.

"I know. Thank you."

Later that day, Hanji came in and checked on you before leaving a few minutes later. Besides hunger and dehydration, nothing else was wrong with you.

"Listen, he's not here for any trouble. He just wants to clear things up," Levi explained, but he knew you were only half-listening.

"I see..." You responded, eyes glazed over.

"But after all of this is over, there's something I need to ask you," he said. You looked at him, brows furrowing.

"Tell me what?" You asked. He clicked his tongue.

"Brat, what the hell do you think 'later' means?"
You laughed lightly, eyes lighting up briefly.

"Yeah, sorry."

"So what did you want to say?" Levi asked. The room became silent. You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes.

"Ikari, injected a serum into me... it made me go unconscious, but he said before that that I was the perfect person to do the experiment on. Things happened after that... but I don't want to tell you... at least not yet," you briefed.

"Tch. You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Of course I know! It's just... it's just something that I haven't accepted it yet... I'll tell you when I'm ready," you replied, turning your head to look at him.

"Don't fucking tell me that bastard got you pregnant--"
You lightly hit his head, silencing him.

"Don't joke," you said, "He didn't do anything of the sorts."

"Tch. You still hit hard," Levi muttered, rubbing his head lightly.

"And I'm grateful for that," you said, smirking at him. There was a knock on the door, interrupting your conversation.

"Come in," you called out. The door opened, revealing Sienna, Amelia, Aria, Elliot, and Xavier. A look of surprise flashed across your face. "You guys? What're you doing here? Except Aria, that is."

"We came to check up on you," Aria replied as all five of them walked up to the side of your bed.

"I see... well, how have you been?" You asked.

"I think we should be asking you that," Xavier replied. You shrugged lightly.

"Eh, could be worse."

"Idiot..." Levi muttered. Sienna then stepped forward slightly.

"Thank you for risking your life for us. We would've never gotten back had you not," she said. You rose a brow.

"You're... thanking me?" You asked, leaning forwards slightly.

"Of course I am idiot," she hissed, offended. "You spent a week alone in titan territory, got kidnapped, tortured, experimented on, survived without food, water, weapons, a horse, or gear, all while losing like 2 liters of blood... how can I not thank you?" You just blinked at her.

"Oh... I went through all of that?"
Levi swiftly hit you across your head.


You were resting in your bed. After all of the excitement with your former squad, Levi thought it was best to let you get some alone time to rest. You agreed, although sleep didn't come easy to you. 
The door opened, and Erwin walked through. You were dying to talk to him.

"Why did you wait a week?" You asked before he could even fully close the door. With a gentle shut, he didn't turn to you at you.

"What do you mean?" His low voice inquired.

"You know what I mean, Erwin." Your gaze pierced through the back of his head. "Did you really believe I would die? Or is it because you thought I'd die at the hands of Ikari?"

"No, I simply thought you'd find your way back to the walls without assistance." Erwin turned, walking over to your bed. You glared at him, but he paid no mind to you.

"Remind me the next time you get fucked in a situation, to not send a search squad for a damn week," you growled out.

"Fair enough," he replied, closing his eyes. You sighed, turning your head.

"Why did you allow my father here?" You asked.

"I'm sure Levi has told you that he means no harm, he just wants to talk to you," Erwin replied.

"That doesn't answer my question. Why did you allow him to stay?" You asked again, firmer this time. Erwin sighed.

"This grudge against your father is holding you back, mentally."

"I've functioned perfectly as a soldier and as a person with this grudge," you said, "Don't try to flip a switch." Erwin stayed silent for a moment.

"Whenever you're ready to confront him, just go to the Mess Hall. I'm sure he's talking to everyone," Erwin said before turning and leaving the infirmary. You watched him go, eyes lowering.

'Why is he here? Does he really want to redeem himself?' 

In about an hour or so, you woke up once again and decided it was finally time to do what you've been dreading most. You sighed and swung your legs over the bed and felt the cold wooden floor on your bare feet. You slowly got up, using the bed as support, and made your way out of the infirmary. Standing in front of the closed Mess Hall doors, you contemplated on whether or not to go in, but you decided that yo mama didn't raise no bitch, and slowly opened the doors. Everyone's talking slowly came to a halt as the door made deliberate creaking noises. Once the door was fully open, a man with dull black hair and e/c eyes stood up. He had wrinkles around the corner of his eyes and mouth. He and you stared directly into each other's eyes, not saying a single word. The whole Mess Hall had a tension so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

"It's certainly been a while, Y/n." That same voice echoed in your ear. Your eyes narrowed down to a dangerous glare.

"It certainly has been, father..."

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

A Soldier's Heart |Attack on Titan| |Reader Insert| |Discontinued|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя