Oh boy

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You and the squad were currently 3D maneuvering through the trees. The atmosphere had lightened up between you all, thanks to Eld bringing up when Petra and Olou pissed themselves on their first expedition. A few minutes later a green smoke flare shot up into the air.

'Is it Levi?' You thought, staring at it.

'No... I'm getting a bad feeling about this.' You silently ordered Gunther to shoot a flare as well. You all stopped for a few moments.

"We're rendezvousing with Levi, but just in case, stay close to each other, understand?" You ordered. They all nodded and you all continued your way to where the green smoke flare was shot. You stared ahead, thinking.

'I have a bad feeling about this. My guts are usually right, too.' You thought, constantly darting your eyes in all directions for any other movement besides yourselves.

"What's wrong, Commander?" You heard Eren ask.

"Nothing, just focus." You replied. Just then, a figure appeared next to your group, blades drawn and a hood over their face. Your eyes looked at them from the corner of your eyes.

"Levi Heichou?" You heard Gunther mutter. "No... who's there?!" The figure shot their hooks to the right and sped towards Gunther, their blades drawn back. You, seeing their movement faster, pushed Gunther out of the way, getting nicked in the arm slightly by the sharp blades.

"Dammit! Commander! What do we do?!" Olou screamed at you.

"Leave the horses behind! Head to HQ as fast as you can!" You ordered, speeding up.

"Is that the one in the female Titan?! Or one of many?!" Olou asked.

"Damn you!! C'mon!' I'll kill you or die trying!!!" Petra shouted, turning around to face the hooded figure. They suddenly fell back behind a tree. Your eyes widened slightly.

"Everyone! Move it!" You ordered right before yellow lightning sparked and the female Titan emerged.

"Damn it... let me!! I'll kill it this time!!" Eren exclaimed, raising his hand to his mouth.

"Don't!!" You shouted at him, causing him to look at you.

"Eld, Gunther, and I will deal with her!! Petra, Olou, take Eren as far away as you can!! Don't let anything happen to him all costs!!" You ordered.

"But commander—!!!"

"Just keep going! Don't turn back for anything!! Do you understand me?!" You interrupted her, pulling out your blades. Petra hardened her face and nodded, grabbing Eren along with Olou and speeding off farther. "Gunther!!! Go for the back of the knees, achilles, anything to stop its moments! Eld, cut that thing's arm muscles to pieces so she can't move them!!! I'll deal with the eyes." The two nodded and went in different directions. You hooked your gear right underneath her eyes and blasted towards her. She raised her arm, but Eld interfered and cut her biceps and triceps, causing her arm to go limp. She wouldn't even be able to cover the nape of her neck. You threw your blades right into each of her eyes, quickly reloading them. She raised her other arm and covered her nape. Gunther maneuvered near her legs and cut the back of her knees, causing her to drop down to the ground.

"Cut her up!" You ordered, spinning up and down her body like Levi. You've  watched him more than enough times to adopt his unique killing move and make it your own. Gunther and Eld sliced up her legs while you worked on her torso and arms. Her other arm dropped, revealing her nape, but you knew it was too dangerous. When you were done spinning, you were airborne for a few seconds. Nothing seemed unusual, but one thing. No steam was coming out of any of her wounds except her one eye. Your own eyes widened.

"Gunther, Eld!!! Get outta there!!!" You shouted to the males. The two looked up and quickly maneuvered upwards just as the female's right eye opened.

"What the—!?" Eld exclaimed, maneuvering away from her. "Did it heal itself quickly by only focusing on one eye?!" The female titan once again began running towards you. You grabbed both Gunther and Eld by their scruff and threw them farther in front of yourself. You barely dodged the Titan's hand that came swinging at you.

"Commander!!!" Eld shouted to you, concerned, and silently telling you to go with them.

"Remember your mission!!! Protect Eren at all costs, do you understand me?!?!" You shouted back at him, turning back around to face the female.

"Oi, you sack of shit..." You said to her, which drew her attention. "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?" Your mind traveled to Levi, then back to her. You've never been so sure in your life. Her one eye was still healing, meaning she had only limited vision before it completely healed. You hooked your gear into her leg, blasting towards it, avoiding her arm. You spun around and cut the back of her knee again, causing her to drop to all fours and cover her nape. You cut her other knee for good measure. You planted yourself on a tree and waited for the titan blood to evaporate, replacing your dull blades with a new pair.

'My titan powers are too shaky right now. Not to mention no one knows about them.' You thought, watching steam arise from her. You jumped off the tree and maneuvered in front of her, beginning to fly away from her.

"She did it!!" Eren exclaimed, hope shining in his green orbs.

"Of course she did, dumbass!!!" Olou shouted at him.

"How dare you doubt her skills!" Petra scolded.

'No... don't say that.' You thought, seeing a shadow fall over your head and their faces go from happy to horrified. You looked up and saw the female titan above you, a small grin on her face. You kept looking at her, watching her swing her leg and hearing the others call you. You heard the crackling of something covering your body right before her foot made contact with you. You didn't feel anything. You couldn't tell if your body was numb, you were unconscious, or the crystal protected you, but you knew that from a kick and impact that hard, you would've definitely felt something. You felt yourself being flung across the forest, the others cries fading in the distance before everything slowly began to fade away.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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