Chapter 5

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    I slowly open my eyes, which at the moment didn't want to open, but eventually I got them open. The room I was in now was much different from before. I wondered if I was still in an insane hospital. This room felt like it was meant for something or possibly something to be caged in. You know I'm starting to think I can't trust anyone in this hospital. This new room I am in, had no-one else in it. I was alone,and completely helpless. I try and concentrate on my thinking, but my mind keeps wondering. The horrible part about this is I have no idea why! I was still in a bed and a monitor was right next to me, but other than that, I couldn't find anything that was the same from before. All the walls around me were all white and the ceiling too. Everything was extremely boring. Then, suddenly all of my memories came flooding back to me from the night brother! JAKE! Where would those people have put him? How in the right world would people expect me to know that! If only I could get out of this room, I could go looking for him...if only... Even though I'm not strapped or locked to abed, people here are probably watching me, and don't want me to leave. They must have locked the door behind them too. Great, I'm officially hopeless of ever getting out of here and finding my brother. I look down at what I'm wearing and find a new hospital gown on me. I vaguely remember that before I think I'd been wearing a light blue gown, now the one I was wearing was white. Ok, I'm currently locked in a room with no color whatsoever! I know it, I'm going to go insane here and die! You probably think I'm crazy! Oh come on, I have to find Jake before he dies or something! I wonder if Bridget ever told my doctor what happened? My best guess is yes! Where did they go? I slowly make myself get out of bed and try and walk around. I couldn't. Fortunately, whoever put me in here left a wheelchair. I drag myself to it and pull myself up into it with whatever strength I had left. I had no visitors since I had first came to the hospital. I didn't have many friends in general even though I was already 16 years old. I knew I always had my brother, Jake, who was 17 years old. No matter what we had done or been through we did it together. We were one family together, just the two of us. I mean that's what brothers and sisters do who are orphans, right? Our parents died when I was five and Jake was six. No one wanted us after that. We had no other family close by either. Jake had been homeschooled for a little of his life, but not much and I was going to be too. After no one wanted us, a local store owner found out we were living alone, he called the town's orphanage, even though we begged him not to do it! We were then brought to the orphanage, our new "home," by police, even though we resisted. We didn't want to resist the police, but Jake and I were fine on our own. Once at the orphanage, we acted like it was just the two of us, and no one else. We did everything the same, sticking together at everything, eating, sleeping (in the same room), talking. I drove the wheelchair around my room in boring circles, thinking about my past and how I was going to find Jake. Maybe I could slam into the door and maybe it will unlock or even better break the lock completely. I have no other options so I'll give it a try. I slowly back up my wheelchair and put my hands on the wheels. I was ready to go. I move my hands as fast as I can, so I go at a faster speed towards the door. I ram into the door hoping at least one good thing would result in doing this, big or small, I really didn't care anymore. It just had to be something. POW! RAM! Smash! My body goes straight into the door. Ok, I have to admit, that may have not been one of my best ideas, but I'm running low on options here, people! It also may have not been the most mature option either from a 16 year old, but you know why! I bounce off the door. Once I'm not in shock anymore from myself actually doing that, I slowly roll up to the door, careful to see if I could finally get out of this room. I check...nothing... you gotta be kidding me! I went through all that pain for nothing! Unbelievable! You know what I'll just leave it alone. Maybe these people are nice. With that, I get back into the bed and stare at the ceiling. I lift my head up, I see the doorknob slowly turning, opening...someone's coming! I throw my head back onto the pillow and act like nothing ever happened. Bright light lit my boring, low lit, room up. Bridget and my doctor walk into my room and check my vital signs. Bridget stayed with me after my doctor left and says,
"I'm so sorry, Carly. We just can't do anything else, but this. It's for the best. I just hope you can forgive me someday."
Then, she left and I turn away after I hear the door shut and lock behind me. Totally, this is the best for me, lock me in a room by myself with people watching my every move. Like they had no choices, they had plenty, you know they could've just released me along with my brother. There's a good idea! I lay there on my side just wanting to get my brother and leave this nightmarish life. A little later after Bridget and my doctor left, I hear soft muffled voices through the walls. They were barely audible, but my guess was that they were the people watching me in some sort of control room...
Control Room:
A:    "Look! We can't do this anymore, she's only 16 years old. We can't just keep her here and keep on testing on her!"
Br:    "Amber, come on, it's our job, we have to. We can't just open the door and let her out. Then she'll go find Jake, her brother. We both know we just can't let that happen, even if it's right or wrong."
P:    "Hey guys, can't we just work this out?"
N:    "Percy, you're not part of this..."
P:    "Nikki, I am part of this. I'm in the control room too!"
R:    "Guys, we could stop, I mean look at her."
(Everyone looks at camera number threes screen.)
N:    "Awe, she's so sad, even depressed maybe, Ross is right we have to help her. She needs to find her brother."
Br:    "Nikki, Ross, Amber, we can't so that, you guys are just too soft."
A:    "No we are not! At least I have a heart!"
Br:    "I have a heart too. Find, maybe we can sneak down there and maybe talk to her without the boss noticing."
All:    "Ok, let's do it!" (All move towards door...quietly)

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