Chapter 19

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Carly's P.O.V
    It was pitch black in my room and once again, just seconds earlier, I had like jumped awake. I don't even know how to describe it it wasn't like I was shaken awake, but more like if your heart had to be restarted, maybe something like that? It's happened to me before, but I never get used to it and whenever it happens I wake up freaked. My adrenaline pumps through my body making me on full alert, my heart races, and I'm panicking about what had just happened. My monitor above my bed was taking my heartbeat through a clip that's put on my finger and it lights up with a red light, and of course my heart was now racing with a million thoughts running through my head, so the monitor was going crazy, beeping and beeping alerting that my heartbeat was WAY TOO FAST!

Jake's P.O.V
    I awoke with a startle, making that my like ninth one this week. And it was only Thursday. I look over at Carly who's looking as scared as me.

     "What happened this time?" I say, my voice getting higher than normal. "Nightmare?"

    "Sorta I think it was a combination of both a nightmare and something else." Carly says as the door to her room opens, the lights are turned on, and Dr. Anderson briskly comes in. As soon as he shuts the door he comes over.

      "Let's see here," he says, mumbling it under his breath. He looks at the numbers on the machine and then takes his stethoscope from around his neck and goes to Carly, who by now, is sitting up straight in her bed, fear paralyzing her eyes.

      "Okay, just let me listen to your breathing." He says, while putting his stethoscope on Carly. "Take some deep breaths in for me."

I see Carly do one, very slowly, then two, a little quicker, and three, a normal deep breath.

     "It  definitely wasn't where it should've been for, in fact far above it, but seems to me it's slowly returning. I have to go grab something for her to take. Jake, do you mind telling her to breathe. I'll be back in a minute." Dr. Anderson says, looking at me.
   "Sure," I reply.

     "Thank you," he says, while walking out of the door.
    I look at Carly, who seems to be going back to normal. She looks over at me and I say,

      "Just breathe. That's all you gotta do. Simple, see." And I take a deep breath in too and continue by saying, "Believe me, I have to do this too sometimes."

     She laughs a little, her smile returning to her face, "Okay, I'll try again." And she does it just like that.

      Dr. Anderson quickly returns and hands Carly a cup of white liquid medicine and says, "This will help to ease any pain and just relax your muscles and everything."

     He then walks over to me and whispers, "She'll be out cold in a few minutes and won't wake up again until the sun's up. Let me know if anything else occurs, hopefully it won't."

     "Okay. Thanks." I say, looking at Carly who was already laying back down after taking the cup of medicine.

     She was out like a light after a minute and my fear was now gone. I had apparently created a habit for myself to, of course, when I'm in a state of fear I grab onto something and fidget with it until the feeling goes away. I guess it's a good habit, at least I'm hoping it is.

      Due to Carly changing her room for various reasons, I now had a couch to sleep on instead of a chair, like I was originally doing in the way beginning of this. So, I went back over and tried to go back to sleep, I was tired, so I was out like a light too after what felt like fifty seconds. But just as I was about sleeping, I was praying that whatever has just happened, it'd better not set Carly back for another week or whatever.
Carly's P.O.V
      I woke up the next morning at 9:30, which is on the later side for me. I'm an early bird, so I'm normally up at around 8:00. Jake was up he was on his laptop it looked to me, but I didn't want to disturb him. I didn't even remember what happened last night after I woke up, did I fall back asleep or pass out or  something? Jake probably knows, I guess I'll ask him.

I sit up in my bed and say, "Hey, what happened last night?'

"Hey, you're awake, good I've been kinda lonely," he says laughing a little, "The doctor gave you some medicine to just chill and relax and help you fall asleep without waking up again last night. Nothing too big." He says, while he closes his laptop, and looks back to me.

"Oh, okay." I say, thinking about what he had told me, but remembering none of it.

"Are you hungry? We can get some breakfast if you want to." Jake says while looking at the door for some odd reason I guess.

"Sure, can we get the others to come with us?" I asked, while thinking about where would we go other than ordering breakfast here.

"Already told them, they're on their way right now." He says.

I laugh out loud and say, "You know me too well!"

"Well, I've lived with you my entire life, so what can I say, plus you're my sister, of course I know what you want."

He brings over my wheelchair so I could get into it. I look at him, confused, clearly because I had no clue what was happening, but agreed. I couldn't help, but ask,

"Why am I doing this?"

"Just get in, come on, please."

Jake's P.O.V
So, apparently I'm really good at thinking of surprises because I thought of a good one. This may sound wrong, but Carly hasn't really gone like out, out of the hospital grounds for a while, and I was looking on the town's website earlier when I was on my laptop and I found out today they were having a fair thing, which is one of Carly's favorite things and we can just hang around there today. What's even better is that I had talked to Dr. Anderson this morning asking him if I could please just take Carly out just this once. He told me,

"I'm not so sure, Jake, after what happened last night and we're not completely confident enough that she's healthy. I don't feel comfortable taking the risk."

"Look, she'll be surrounded by six people the entire time and it's right down the street, if anything happens the hospital is right down the street...."

"You'll have your cell phone with you at all times?" He asks, weighing the chances of something bad happening to Carly.

"Yep, and it'll be all ready if I need to call."

We stand there for a moment thinking...until i figured I should say something...

"So...can I please take her out? Just for today, I swear."

Dr.Anderson sighs and shook his head slowly, "Ok. She can go."

"Thank you," I reply finding it hard to contain my excitement. I was so happy I could take her, she's going to love it.

Brian, Percy, Ross, Amber, and Nikki P.O.V
"So where are we going?" Brian asks, looking around.

Nikki turns around in the front seat and says, "To the hospital, remember?"

"Right, right, I knew that."

"Yeah, ok Brian." Amber says, joining the conversation.

"Whatever," Brian says chuckling a little.

Jake's P.O.V
We get to the town fair in about fifteen minutes. I turn off the engine, taking the keys out of the ignition. We park as close as we can so that Varly doesn't have to walk so far while she's on her crutches.

I open the door for my little sis. She hops out and I hand her her crutches. We meet the rest of the crew at the entrance because we took two cars and go in.

Carly's P.O.V
As we enter the fair all I can say is, "wow," as I continue trying to take it all in.

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