Chapter 18

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Carly's P.O.V
   "So should we take tomorrow off and meet on Thursday, after school?" Connor asked with that shy smile again.

"Sure, that'd work out perfectly for me. And that's okay with you too?" I said looking at him.

"Oh yeah totally fine, I'm free literally anytime."

"Haha so am I. Hey, well then, see you tomorrow at school then?"

"See you tomorrow at school is right." He says while he's getting up from his seat and taking a hold of his crutches.

So far, hanging out with Connor has been amazing, I know I told you that I wasn't about the romance and I'm still not, what I mean is learning something for once in my life was great. With school and then hanging with Connor, who was helping me, I had already learned more than I had in my entire life.

I went back into my room and didn't want to get back into my bed, but Jake told me,

"Sorry to say this, but you have to. I know it sucks, but you need the fluids that are given to you through the I.V. and you can't get those if you're on the couch way over there. Dr. Anderson also told me you have to too so listen to him. He's your doctor anyway and I'm your brother so you should listen to the both of us."

"Fine," I say as I get back into the bed and Dr.Anderson, coincidentally, walks in at the same time.

He comes over and puts the thing on my finger that checks my heart beat to make sure it's normal. Then he takes that off and checks my I.V. too. After he's done with that, he says,

"While it's been four days since I said you will leave in a few weeks so I'd say you can be released the week after next week. You're completely healthy and everything looks fine." 

"Finally," I say as I let my head fall onto my five milion pillows on my bed. I think my life was finally beginning to become normal-ish after all, which isn't perfect, but I'll take whatever I can get with the way my life has played out so far.

After telling me that I could finally leave in like a week and a half Dr.Anderson left my room and I turned over to see Jake, who, once again, was fumbling with another one of the stress things that Taylor had given him. I wondered why he was nervous now? Was it me? Maybe, but there was no way of telling unless I asked him, and I didn't want to be rude so I didn't ask him that. Instead, I said,

"So, are you as excited as I am to finally leave?"

"Yes, of course I am!" He said.
Jake's P.O.V
Once I said that I was really thinking oh great I have only a week and a half to find and buy a house that fits seven people. No pressure or anything.

Of course I would be looking right now, but then I bet you Carly would ask me what I was doing and I'm a terrible liar and she can tell when I lie, so I couldn't look at houses now. I'll have to look at them later on tonight.
________________________________________________________________________________________________Carly's P.O.V
"Hey, have you talked to Amber, Brian, Ross, Percy or Nikki anytime today?"

"No, but I think they have work today." Jake says, while looking out the window.

"Oh, yeah. I think you're right." I say looking around my room.

Not to be rude to anyone but I was bored out of my mind! Who wants to spent nearly six months in a hospital? Not this girl. But guess who has been stuck in a hospital for nearly six months? That would be moi. I've literally done everything that I've been physically possible of. I'm injured, so there's only like five things I really can do.

On top of that I was continuously waking up at night and then a nurse or Dr. Anderson would come in and the machine would start to notify the doctors and everyone and Jake would, not willingly, panic about what was going on. I mean that didn't happen in the beginning because I was exhausted every day and night, but now I was worried and anxious all the time.

I wanted to go home and have a house to live in. But I wasn't going home for like another week and I don't have nearly enough money to buy a house and I'm sixteen, so I think I'm too young to buy a house anyway.

But I have to admit talking with Sam nearly every day with the sessions we had really helped I could let all of this out and he would ask me some questions about it and he wouldn't care what I said. It's helpful to be able to say whatever you want and to not hold all these terrible feelings-anxiety, fear, regret, doubt, frustration, sadness, depression-and I know what that can do to a person because I did that exact thing before talking with Sam.

Even better, I could see improvement in Jake too, I bet Taylor was helping him out a lot. Jake would tell me about the strategies Taylor would have him do and practice. They weren't like huge noticeable improvements, but he's one step closer to fixing it and I'm his sister so I can notice more smaller details and behavior changes about him than others.

I'm guessing by now, since I first came here and Jake as well, I'm going to walk out, hopefully I'll be walking by then, of this hospital a changed person. An experience like this really does change a person. Hmph, never expected that.

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