Chapter 13

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By now I knew I should probably get a doctor.I press the 'call' button on my remote. In a minute, Dr.Anderson comes into my room and says, "So, what's the problem?"
I reply, "It's my brother, I think he fainted."
Dr. Anderson says, "Well, let's take a look. Where is he?"
"Right here," I respond, and point to where Jake was lying on the floor.
Dr.Anderson called for some other people into my room and the nurses put Jake on a bed and he was carried out of my room.
Right before Dr. Anderson left, I asked him what they were going to do with him.
He told me, "While, if Jake is still unconscious by the time I go back to him, right after this, then we will need to perform CPR. Then after he's awake, I will check him and keep an eye on him to make sure he is really ok. I might also assign Jake one of the specialists here to help him a little more. I'll be right back. I have to go."
"Ok, thanks." I reply.
I wondered where they were taking him. I didn't think CPR would take that long, would it? But then he would have to be checked out, so maybe it won't take like a minute, but I won't have to wait for too long either. I was thinking if there was some kind of CPR room, like there was an OR room? Was there?
There was no way I could get back to bed now. I was wide awake. What can I do to distract myself? Read? Draw? Do nothing? I guess I'll read, that always gets my mind off of things. I look around the bed for my book Jake had given me. It had to be around here somewhere I swear I had just had it yesterday. I was a neat freak, so I liked to have everything organized, so it shouldn't be that hard to find something. I look on the little table next to me and my bed. In plain sight, I grab the book and flip open to where I left off. I hope I don't get a headache like the last time I tried to read. I mean I took some medicine and everything for it, which helped, and Dr.Anderson just told me to take it easy for the rest of the day. When Dr.Anderson returned I was so relieved! He walked in and told me,
"Ok, everything went fine. He's ok and will be coming back shortly. However, he will be in a wheelchair for the rest of the day so we can still watch him. But don't worry about that he'll be out of that by tonight."
"That's good. Thank you."
"Hey, it's my job, don't worry about it. Now, with that little problem out of the way, is there anything you need or want, any questions you want to ask me..."
"No, I think I'm all set for now. I have everything I need. But I do have a question."
"Ok, go ahead. You can ask me anything."
"When will I get to go home?"
"Let's see, if nothing else serious occurs, you should be able to leave in a few weeks I'd say. You see, we need to keep any eye on you because you need to be completely healthy in order to be sent home. If something does happen, you'll have to stay a little longer."
"Ok, thanks."
"If you want anything, please don't hesitate to ask. Your brother should be considered ing back in a about five minutes." He closed the door and left.
As I was waiting for my brother to come back, there was a soft knock on the door and I said, "come in."
The door opens and then closes. It wasn't my brother, but it was two people, both wearing white doctor coats with name tags on them. There was one boy and one girl. I read their names on their name tags and the girl's name was Taylor. The boy's name was Sam.
Once they were next to me, they introduced themselves,
"Okay, so, hi. I'm Sam and this is..."
"Hey," I reply, "so, uh, what are you here to do?"
Sam takes this question.
"We are two specialists that work here, one of us is for you and the other for Jake."
I know what you're thinking, I got Taylor and Jake got Sam. Well, you're wrong.
When Jake returned to my room, Taylor and Sam introduced themselves the same way they had with me.
"Nice to meet you Sam and Taylor."
"So, Jake, I will be your specialist, and..."
"Carly, I will be yours."
"Jake, we are having a meeting later on today at 11:00. I'll come in here and we can go from there."
"And Carly we will be having our meeting at 11:30, but it won't be in here. I'll get you and bring you to where we will be having our meeting."
Jake says, "Ok. Thank you."
Taylor replies, "Yep. See you later Jake. Bye Carly."
"Bye! Thanks Sam!" I say as they leave.
He says, "No problem, see you later Jake."
Sam and Taylor left after that and closed the door behind them.
I look over at Jake and say, "Well, we have some time to spare before we both leave each other for a little. Want to call the others, see if they're around?"
"Sure." He pulls out his phone and texts them.
Of course, they all said that they would love to come over and hang.
I figured when they, Ross, Amber, Nikki, Brian and Percy, got here, we still had some time. I got out of my bed and into my wheelchair and Jake was already in his so he didn't have to do anything. It was about 10:00 and Brian, Amber, Ross, Nikki and Percy walked us around the hospital to see some of the things. We all went back to my room at 10:30 so Jake could be back in the room when Taylor came.
We all stayed in my room though because Brian, Nikki, Amber, Percy and Ross knew that my thing was at 11:30.
So we just hung around for a little.
Around 10:55 there was a knock on my door and then Taylor came in. She had glasses, light brown hair, which was in a messy bun, and she was wearing the same white lab coat thing from earlier.
When she came in I asked if it was ok if I stayed in the room along with my friends.
"If Jake doesn't mind, then sure."
"You guys can stay I don't mind." Jake says, looking over to me.
"Thanks." I say.
I look over at Jake and he looks really nervous. I think Taylor could tell too, by the looks of it...
But there was nothing to be afraid of, right?

No Way Out (book 1)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara