Chapter 22

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Carly's P.O.V
I didn't really know what was going to happen at this point. I was slightly anxious and when I say that I mean I wanted to get out of this hospital.

Of course I couldn't because I was still strapped down on the stretcher so I couldn't injure myself further.

I hear a radio go off probably Zac's or Brady's- I kinda hoped they didn't have to leave, they made me relax a little more than when I was without them.

Zac comes over to me and says, "Hey we just got another call, we gotta go, ok?"
Brady nods his head, as he was standing next to Zac.

"Do you have to?" I ask.

"Yeah," Zac says but says, "but if we're off duty or don't have a call, I'll come see you, ok. You'll be fine Carly, remember you're in good care and everything will be ok. Just keep calm."

With that Zac grabs my hand again and squeezes it and Brady gives me a smile before Zac and Brady go back to the ambulance I had just come out of.

I see Dr.Anderson come and grab the stretcher at the end near my head as I was rolled into a trauma room. I see someone else standing there with light blue scrubs on, just like the ones Dr. Anderson was wearing too.

The two doctors unstrap me and move me onto a hospital bed. I was hooked up to several machines and the doctor that I didn't know his name was putting electrodes on my chest and then Dr.Anderson puts a clip on my finger and other wires were attached to my body. The neck brace was also taken off and put aside.

The doctor whose name I still didn't know looks up and then says, "I'm Dr. Evans by the way."

Dr.Anderson and Dr.Evans take my vitals again and write it all down on the clipboard and put it back at the end of my bed.

They then say that I need to go to OR right away because my leg needed to be fixed now.

I ask them, "what will happen?" I was now panicking, I didn't want to go to surgery and see the doctors in like all the protective gear it freaks me out.

Dr. Evans says, "Well first we will put your bone back in place, stitch up the place where your bone pierced your skin and then put a cast on it."

"O-ok." I say, stuttering a bit. I was trying to figure out if I could run out of the door which was open at the moment and Dr.Evans and Dr.Anderson were both turned away from me. I don't think I could though because of my leg especially because I couldn't even move it without it killing me.

I knew I could run away even if I wanted to, which I did. Either way I couldn't escape this. Man, I wish Zac could be here right now.

I was asked to change into a hospital gown, although I had a bit of trouble because of my leg which was in a splint and was killing me. Although I didn't want to ask for help from two male doctors I had too.

Once I was in it, the brakes were taken off my bed and I was wheeled towards to OR room. As I was wheeled in I saw on the door it was labeled OR 4. Before we went in though there was like a little waiting area and I saw Dr.Evans and Dr.Anderson go get changed and came back in full protective gear.

As soon as I was in the OR I had to be moved onto the surgical table and then my I.V. had been taken out but Dr.Evans got another one ready and I hated needles, like I had a phobia of them, so of course I freaked out but I looked away and the needle was slipped in.

Dr.Evans asked me, "What color cast do you want?"

"Black." I say, knowing it would match anything.

The oxygen mask was taken off and replaced with the one in the OR. it wasn't oxygen, though, I noticed as I got more and more tired and then Dr.Evans put something in the I.V.

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