Chapter 10

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Jake's P.O.V

I stand up right when the doctor comes to me.

She looks me straight in the eye and says,
"You are one lucky brother. And I heard about how many times you went to the front desk, and look, I understand, and how worried you must be. But she will make it. We don't know the primary source of the problem. Depending on how things go tomorrow we might need to take a CAT scan or MRI. But, she's still "sleeping" right now because we had to give her so much of the medicine to make her fall asleep and not feel any of the pain. She's in the Recovery Room right now, but you can go in if you want to."

"Yes please, please let me go and see her. Where's the Recovery Room?" I ask.

Dr. Grayson: "Just follow me."

I grab the others and tell them everything seems okay for now, I'll update them more tomorrow. They each leave after I tell them everything and that they'll be thinking of both us. After that, I follow Dr.Grayson from the waiting room to the Recovery Room which is on the third floor. She leads me behind a pair of curtains to where Carly is, lying in a bed, looking like she's half dead.

Dr.Grayson then says, "If you need anything or have any questions at all, just call or press the button. I will have nurses and doctors checking on her until she wakes up, unless I'm available to check."

With that, she leaves me with Carly, laying in a bed, eyes shut, mask over nose and mouth, and a needle in her arm. I walk over to the chair next to her bed and wait.

Well, I guess I better make myself distracted somehow. I decide to read something, anything at this point. I pick up a magazine lying next to the bed and open it. I flip through it after reading a few stories. Then it comes to me, why am I even trying I ask myself. I knew from the very beginning I wouldn't be able to distract myself! Just then, the curtains open and I look up to find a doctor, who was a man, known as Dr.Anderson as it said on his name tag and he introduced himself. He asks me a question as he walks in, "have you seen any changes?"

I reply, "No, shouldn't she be awake by now?"

Dr.Anderson:"Not yet, depending on how much of the (sleeping) medicine she got. Since it was such a large amount, she should be waking up in a few minutes, ten minutes top. I'll come and check again in about five minutes."

"Ok, thank you." I say. I sit back in the chair and check the time, it was 8:50. Why does time always seem to pass so slow when I just need this day to be over already? As I put my phone back in my pocket, I hear movement and a slight murmur. I look next to me, Carly was moving a little. I think she was finally waking up! Yes!
Carly's P.O.V
"ugh, where am I?" I ask, trying to look around.

"The same place you were before...the hospital. How do you feel?" Jake tells me.

"Do you really want me to tell you?"

"Yeah, come on tell me!"

"Okay... I feel tired,dizzy, hot and cold at the same time, in pain, and basically not in any way ok."

"Well, Dr.Anderson should be coming in any minute to check on you. Look, I'm just relieved and happy you're not dead."

As Jake finishes his sentence, the curtains open once again and Dr.Anderson steps in and closes the curtains.

Dr.Anderson:"Ah, you're awake, glad to see improvement! By the way, let me introduce myself, I'm Dr.Anderson I'll basically be a second doctor for you. I'm required to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."

"No, go right ahead." I reply.

Dr.Anderson:"Ok, how do you feel?"

"I feel sick and tired."

Dr.Anderson:"Luckily that's normal for the dosage you were given, but I can give you medicine for that through your I.V. (And he points to it)."

"Well that's a relief."

Dr.Anderson:"Yes and since you haven't eaten in awhile I'll go and get you something to drink and eat. After that you'll just have to stay in here a little longer before you can get transferred to your room. Before I go, I'll get you the medicine."

I look over at Jake who watches the doctor go get a little bag of what seems to be liquid medicine. The bag that was hooked up to my I.V. was giving me fluids so the doctor changed them and then left to go get me some food and a drink.

I could luckily see Jake start to get slowly less tense and he was breathing a little fast but he was trying his best to catch his breath. I absolutely hated seeing him like this. In fact, I hated seeing myself like this, but what could I possibly do to help anyone right now. I'll tell you... Nothing, zip, absolutely nothing.

Dr. Anderson then walks back behind the curtains and gives me grape juice, which I love, and a real dinner... Finally! I knew that since I was so tired, even with the medicine that I was likely to fall asleep while trying to eat, but who cares right, I was so tired, which was not my fault.

I was right, Jake watched me fall asleep about five minutes after I got my food. I hadn't eaten basically anything all day, but I didn't feel very hungry, oddly, so I ate about half of my meal before a nurse came and cleared my table.

When Dr.Anderson and Dr.Grayson came in Dr.Grayson took my files out and Dr.Anderson checked my blood pressure, heart rate, and switched my I.V. bag back to the fluids because I could only take so much medication. Dr.Grayson then wrote down everything. I knew what was coming next, I was getting transferred to my own room.

By the time I was all set in my new room, I was basically out cold, I was exhausted. Jake sat in the chair again and I heard him say goodnight and then he tucked me in. That was my night from what I remember and my last sight was Jake looking around the room.
Jake's P.O.V
I look out the window to see the darkness of the world. How the night seems to fall like a perfect blanket into place. And when I see the stars I start to wish reality wasn't so real...

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