Chapter 15

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Jake P.O.V.
Ms.Ridley was the headmaster of the orphanage, where Carly and I were forced to live. She is worse than a living nightmare. But, let's just stick to describing her as mortifying. If we asked her to borrow a pen or a few bucks, she would snap at us, immediately say no and then tells us to be ashamed of ourselves. And believe me half the time when she tells us to be ashamed of ourselves it makes no sense to the situation it's referred to. The "beds" we sleep on are more like a bed frame with an old mattress, that isn't even that comfortable. The food tasted like dirt, no matter what it was called on the menu. There were kids our age living with us, but no one truly spoke to each other and Carly and I didn't really talk to anyone there either.

In fact, Ms. Ridley probably doesn't even know Carly and I are gone and have been gone for three months. However, is she does notice, then when we go back, she'll, again, tell us to be ashamed of ourselves, kick us out, and throw all of our stuff out with us. But who was I kidding, Carly and I didn't bring much stuff with us from the beginning, and it's not like we got much while living at the orphanage either.
I was planning. Well, I was trying to. I knew Carly would, hopefully, be released soon and we could finally leave, but neither of us really wanted  to go back to the orphanage or Ms. Ridley. Ms. Ridley wasn't married, thank god and let me tell you there are reasons why no one wants to. But maybe marriage wouldn't be a bad idea, it can change a person.
If we didn't go back to the orphanage, where else could we go? None of my family lived close, and like I said earlier who would want us? But then it came to me. Carly and I weren't going back, not now....not ever again, because I had a plan.

A plan that included the help of five close friends...

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