Chapter 12

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Jake's P.O.V
Yep. No sleep last night because I was watching over my sister. It was about 8:00am and we had our breakfast coming even though Carly was still a little tired after yesterday. I talked to Dr. Anderson this morning in the hall.

"Is it ok that she's still drifting on and off? She's like moaning too, is she still in that much pain?" I say.

Dr.Anderson:"Yes she'll get over that by late afternoon or tonight and definitely by tomorrow morning. And yes but that should go away soon too, she's been given the meds through her I.V. Everything that you've noticed is pretty normal and typical after going through something like that. We are hopefully going to see more improvement by tonight or sometime tomorrow."

"Ok that's good to hear, but everything else seems normal for now?"

Dr.Anderson:"Yes, for now. As you've seen, unexpected emergencies can occur at any time."

"Of course." I reply.

Dr.Anderson:"I'll come and check back in a little bit. If you need anything you know what to do."

After saying that, he walks away, and I go back into Carly's room.

Carly got a huge room all to herself, but who was I to complain? I loved having the extra room. I sit back in the chair, but then decide to move to the foot of Carly's bed, I knew she wouldn't mind, even if I was blocking her room of the t.v. I look up as I hear the door start to open. When a nurse comes in after shutting the door, I notice while she's walking she has a cup of liquid in her hand. By the looks of it, I knew exactly what it was, good old fashioned medicine. Well what could I say, I knew Carly wasn't looking forward to this.
Carly's P.O.V
I look over at the nurse who was basically next to me by now. I knew everyone who came into my room was nice, but I couldn't help but tense a little and when I look over at Jake he's even more tense than me and looks extremely alert. (Which by the way is both terrifying and calming.) At least I know someone who will always watch over me.

The nurse hands me the cup and says,
"This is the medicine, please drink it" as always I did what I was told I took the cup from his hand and he waited.

Jake of course saw how I looked, horrified most likely, and says,
"Here, let's do it together."

With that he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little orangey, clear colored container of pills. Now you're probably wondering why he has pills. Well, I'll give you some background information of the story. Jake would often worry a lot when he was younger and he would faint every time he would get extremely worked up. He was sometimes even hospitalized for it. When he was eight years old, he got diagnosed with two disorders, Anxiety disorders. These two disorders included,
1.Generalized Anxiety Disorder
2.Panic Attack Disorder

He takes pills for both when he needs them or when him and his doctor has scheduled it. And he's taken pills every since, so about 9 years (he's 17 now).

I reply, "ok" and he counts to three.

Jake says, "one, two...three."

On three I drink the nasty medicine and he swallows his pill. I give the cup back to the nurse and he walks out the door. The rest of my afternoon wasn't that exciting. Ross, Amber, Nikki, Brian and Percy came and hung out with me when they could. Jake and I watched a movie and talked and hung out until. 5:15ish.

After we finished eating dinner at around 6:00pm, our plates were cleared and I started to drift asleep again for like the sixth time today. I saw Jake stand up right before my eyes shut fully. My guess was that he was going to start pacing again, he's been doing it all day. I suddenly hear a "drop" sound next to me. I open my eyes. I look down next to me over the rails of my bed to see what had happened. Yep. He had just fainted.

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