Chapter 29

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Zac's POV
I was looking at Carly's file on the computer one last time because she was getting discharged today.

My eyes move across the screen to where it says family:
Jessie Brooks-mother (dead)
Scott Brooks-father (dead)
Jake Brooks-brother (dead)
Ryan  Brooks- brother

I must've missed the part about her brother Ryan the first time I read her chart. She must know about him unless she hasn't met him before.

I click on his name to view more information about him and it's says that he was enlisted in the Air Force at 18 and he graduated out of the Air Force Academy at age 22. It says his current age is 24.

Oh well I'll worry about that later. I head back into Carly's room to check she has everything all she has left to do is someone has to sign her release papers.

"Okay, who's going to sign the release papers to get you out of here?" I ask while walking into her room.

"I thought you were supposed to be leaving isn't your break over?" She says while smiling.

"Nah, I came back up really quickly to ask you something we need a parent or guardian to come and sign the release papers to have you discharged."

"Well cross parents off that, I guess all that's left is Ms. Ridley. I'll call her and tell her to come here and sign the release papers."

"Okay, I'll come back soon and double check with you that she's coming." I say and walk back out her room.

Carly's POV
I call Ms. Ridley and tell her that I was in the hospital and that I needed her to sign my release papers.

All she said into the phone after I tell her was that she'd talk to me as soon as she got there.

Boy, I was going to be in trouble and how would I explain to her that I've been in the hospital for nearly seven months and my brother is now dead.

As soon as she got here she finds out what room I'm in after signing my papers and says, "you're coming back to the orphanage now."

She had a stern look on her face and it freaked me out a little.

Just as my door starts to open I see Zac coming back in.

"Oh, is this the person who signed your release papers Carly?"

"Yeah," I say weakly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Zac and I work here at the hospital. Um if you're taking Carly home now you can all she needs to do is get changed and I'll take the IV out and I'll give you the medicine she has to take for the strep throat she has."

Zac then hands Ms. Ridley the bottle of medicine. She grabs it and Zac looks slightly taken aback, not expecting how Ms. Ridley was reacting.

Zac leads Ms. Ridley out into the hallway which down the hall had a waiting room and seats her there to wait for me.

"Jeez that's some guardian you have."

"Tell me about it. She's always been like that." I say.

Zac puts gloves on really quickly and takes my IV out and once I'm changed he grabs my bag and makes sure I have everything.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep," I say as Zac lets me take my bag in my lap and I get into the wheelchair.

He wheels me out to Ms. Ridley who tells me when we're getting back to the orphanage I'm going to be in so much trouble.

"Let's go Carly!" She says and I start turning back to Zac.

"Bye Zac thanks for everything." I say.

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