Chapter 25

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Zac's P.O.V
The expression starts to change on my face to a mixture of worry and confusion. All I'm thinking of is why would she think this?

Carly must've seen the change in my expressions because she starts to ramble on about how sorry she is because she didn't tell me sooner.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Zac. I really am and I should've told you earlier...."

I'm trying to think of what to say, and as I'm pondering on that Carly seems to get frustrated with herself.

I stand up and lightly grab her shoulders she looks a bit startled but soon relaxes. She looks into my eyes and all I say is, "Hey we're gonna get through this."

She nods her head and I tell her, "you don't have to be sorry, it's a lot to say something like that and I'm grateful that you at least told me in the first place. Thank you."

She smiles slightly and looks down.

"I don't think I'll actually do it, but life in a wheelchair definitely isn't the greatest." I hear her say quietly.

"Don't do it, please don't because if you do, I'll feel like I did something wrong and so will everyone else who knows you. I know that it may not feel like it now, but living life in a wheelchair is better than taking your life away." I tell her and sigh, but continue, "look, I know you want your brother back, and I know how hard it is to get rid of that feeling-that something is missing- I'll tell you the truth, I still feel that way about my sister. But... Jake is still here. He's with you in your mind and he'll be there for you when you need it and when you go up to heaven he'll be there waiting for you."

"I just don't want you to be mad at me, or anyone else." She says looking back up to me.

"I'm not mad and neither will anyone else be when they find out. But the feelings are going to pass and later in life you're going to think back and be so happy that you're still alive."

                      Carly's P.O.V
"Thank you Zac." I say, while pulling him in for a hug. "I know these feelings will pass and that I have you and Sam to help me through it."

He hugs me back, and says, "you can talk to me about it anytime you want, but Sam needs to know so that he can help you further. Do you want me to tell him or you?"

"I'll do it- tomorrow morning. I'll tell him." I say.

"Good." Zac says.

I yawn and Zac smiles slightly, and I tell him, "I'm tired Zac. I think I might go to bed."

"I know, get some sleep Carly. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Zac."

I wake up and check my phone for the time. It was 7:30 in the morning and I know I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

Uggg, today's Friday, I think to myself. Well I'm not supposed to meet Sam until 9:45, so I had a few hours. I eventually order breakfast when my nurse, Cody, comes in.  I don't have to wait long before it comes and I wasn't even that hungry so I just order a muffin. I eat it and then lay back down in my bed.

I try and think about what I want to do for the day. I finally decide to talk to Connor about it when he comes in later after school.

Before I know it, Sam comes in and I knew it was time for testing.

The testing only took about two to two and a half hours, then Sam thanks me and tells me that he'll get back to me with the results as soon as possible. I say, "Okay."

I check the clock, it was now 12:10 and my throat was still hurting from yesterday. I grab the water bottle that was next to me and drink it.

It relieved some of the pain, which I was glad for, even if it was temporarily. Connor, I know would be coming in soon, so I quickly take my hair out of the messy bun I had it in and leave it down.

At around 12:15 Connor, politely, knocks on my door and asks if he can come in. I say. "Yes,"  and he enters. He comes to my bed, with his blue school notebook in his hand, and says, "Someone looks good today."

I laugh at his remark and smile while I grab a pillow from beside me and lightly knock him on the head with it, saying, "Are you kidding me?"

"No," he replies laughing, while taking a seat. "I'm serious you look really good today."

"Well, thank you." I say and a smile appears on his face.

"So what do you want to do today?" Connor asks me.

"Do you want to go someplace, somewhere other than this boring room?" I ask.

"Sure...hmmm... Do you want to go up one floor to the cafe?"

"That sounds good, yeah let's go there." I reply, already pulling myself up from under my covers and swimming, not really,but Connor helped me, my legs over the edge of my bed.

Connor then looks at me for my approval, before picking me up. I nod and Connor then lifts me and brings me into my wheelchair.

I thank him and he holds the door open for me.

"Thanks," I tell him and he closes my door and follows me to the elevator.

We get to the cafe and find a table, Connor moves the chair away and let's me get in first. He takes my order and goes up to the counter.

He comes back over and sits down. We make small talk until we hear, "Connor?"

He walks over and grabs our drinks, we both got a coffee. When he comes back over he sets my drink down, "thanks."

"No problem." He says.

"So what did you do in school today?" I ask, curious to see what he has to tell me.

"We studied history, but that's basically all we did." He says, pulling out his notebook from his bag and flipping it to today's notes.

"Awe I missed it." I say, disappointed I missed one of my favorite subjects.

"Nah, it's fine here, look."

He shows me his notes and I read through them, but he finishes off because it hurt too much at the moment.

"Well I think I'll be able to go back hopefully." I say.

"Yeah it's weird with just me and Ms.Collins."

I laugh, "I can imagine."

"So I know don't his May be sort of a touchy subject at the moment, but... What do you think about Jake's funeral?" Connor asks.

"I don't know. Do you know about any place around here that holds funerals?"

"No, but first we should find a date for it."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. What about..." My voice travels off and Connor finishes my sentence.

"The 21st that would be in like a couple of weeks right, that's enough time." He suggests.

"Sure that works. But what..."

"About the money? Carly that should the least of your worries look I'll take care of everything, including the money. Don't worry about it."

Ah, Connor knows exactly what to say, I'm glad to have him with me, I don't know what I'd do without him.

We finish up and Connor brings me back into my room, he sits on the end of my bed.

"You good?" He asks.


He smiles and looks down.

"So it's done? The funeral will be on November 21st?" Connor questions.

I nod and say, "Yeah."

That means my birthday is in 12 days. I'll finally be 17. That's exciting.

It's official. My brothers funeral is November 21st at the funeral home right in the town. The funeral will start at 1:00 and then I will have to do one of the hardest things in my life...

I'm going to have to say goodbye to my brother forever.

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