✗ seven ✗

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We immediately leave my apartment as soon as I've packed a suitcase, apparently Harry isn't going to allow me to be anywhere by myself until he's sure we won't have a repeat of tonight on our hands

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We immediately leave my apartment as soon as I've packed a suitcase, apparently Harry isn't going to allow me to be anywhere by myself until he's sure we won't have a repeat of tonight on our hands. The security guard in our lobby watches in silence as Harry holds me close in one arm and totes my suitcase behind us in the other. I am never going to be able to look him in the eyes ever again.

The thirty minute drive to Harry's home is spent in complete silence, neither of us sure what to say to each other. Instead of an uncomfortable silence though it's a nice, relaxing silence. He's turned the radio on halfway into our drive and allows some soothing music to fill the vehicle lightly.

When one of Adele's new songs begins to play I start to cry again, probably from lack of sleep and because the woman has a way to make women cry.

As soon as Harry pulls up outside his home I immediately tense. I see the ghost of myself running down the street as if it were a movie playing out from my memory. I am bare foot, crying, and a bloody mess. I run up those few steps and bang on the door, screaming for Harry to help then look around as if someone has followed. And just as Harry is about to open the door from that night, he speaks up.

"We're here." Clearly. I nod my head slowly, continuing to stare out of the window as I unbuckle my seatbelt at a snail's pace. I'm going to have to face the fear of walking up those steps again, unless Harry has some secret back door that really doesn't exist. I take a deep breath, deciding it's now or never, and grip the door handle. "Hold up." I still at Harry's voice.

He gets out of the vehicle and runs around the front of it. I watch in silence as his hair blows back in the wind, all the while thinking how his hair is so much better than mine. It's something that always bugs me. Within a few seconds he has opened my door for me and is standing with a hand outstretched for me to take. I take it without a word and allow him to help me down. He shuts my door before gathering my suitcase from the boot of the vehicle and joining me at the side of his Range Rover.

"Ready?" I simply nod, unsure if I can really talk anymore. Harry begins to walk up the few steps and onto his front stoop whilst I stay put where I am. "Shay?" I haven't realized that I am still frozen and staring off into space until Harry speaks up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I blurt lightly, gripping my hand into a fist so that my fingernails are digging into the palm of my hand. I follow him up, passing him to get to the door as fast as I can. Harry unlocks the door and pushes it open for me, waiting for me to enter. But I stand frozen.

The lights are already flicked on in the foyer, showing off the same area of the house that I have been in last. The light marble floors that were once covered in blood and dirt are now scrubbed clean as if I had never trailed into that house almost two weeks ago. I don't know why I'm expecting it to still be here; honestly I want to never see blood again.

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