✗ seventy-one ✗

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31 January

There wasn't really any pain like I had thought there'd be. There was simply this popping sensation and then what felt like a drizzle of wee running down the inside of my leg. To be quite honest, if I hadn't felt the popping sensation I would have just thought I had just peed myself. Actually, I had thought that I had wet myself, until the realization that I didn't need a wee and it was a bit more than a few drips.

"Oh God," I was in a bit of shock at first, as any first time mother would be. "We need to go." I had said when I thought it was wee.

"What?" Harry seemed to have been thrown for a loop as I had interrupted his beautiful speech. But at this point I figured out what had happened and was starting to freak a bit.

"The baby," I couldn't formulate a proper, functioning sentence, "my water just broke."

As soon as the words left my lips, Harry had grown silent his eyes going incredibly wide. He stood shell-shocked for a few seconds, the words taking their time to really sink in, before he went into overprotective boyfriend mode.

He had practically carried me to the nearest loo after I begged him to let me clean myself up before hopping into his precious, expensive Range Rover and whisking me away to the hospital. Even in this excitement I wouldn't be able to forgive myself in I ruined his seats.

Now here we are, parked outside the hospital waiting out another horrendous contraction. They've gotten worse since lunch, progressively getting a second or so longer each one. I feel nauseous as it rips through me, putting significant pressure on my lower back. With the pain comes the feeling of holding my breath, but Harry, who stood outside the vehicle at my side, instructed me otherwise.

"Shhh, baby. Just breathe." He coos, rubbing my back and allowing me to squeeze his hand as tightly as I needed. I will be shocked at the end of this if Harry doesn't have a broken hand.

"It hurts so bad!" I whine, sucking in a breath before shakily releasing it.

"I know it does, love. It'll be over soon, just give it a couple of seconds."

True to Harry's words, the contraction comes to a slow halt within a few seconds.

"How long?" I wonder, shifting in the seat to get a bit more comfortable.

"About six minutes from the last and thirty-five seconds long." I pout and take a deep breath, dreading the next few hours where they'll only get stronger and more frequent.

"This is the worst thing for an anxious person, because no matter what all I can do is watch the clock and wait for the next round of pain to come." Just thinking about everything to come makes me anxious.

"We'll get through this, together." He promises, watching my head slowly nod as my nervous eyes fit around the vehicle. My eyes check over everything in sight: the working seatbelts, the baby bag at my feet, the car seat already installed in the backseat.

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