✗ fifty-three ✗

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9 September ~ Lunch

"And then the wanker completely chewed me out for not matching his hair colour perfectly when I know for a fact that I did. He was just a bloody mess. Thank God I hadn't brought Lux in with me that day, would've hated for her to see that insanity unfold."

We all laugh at Lou's complex story of a celebrity she once worked with; apparently he was not the nicest person out there and liked to create drama. She liked working for him at first, said he was charming and such, but then about four years down the road he just got nasty and apparently the fame went to his head.

Lunch with the three of them has been pretty amazing. They brought me to a nice restaurant downtown that I've never been too and they've distracted me from keeping tabs on Harry's itinerary.

I've gotten to know Lou on a more personal level and actually got to sit and speak with her instead of just seeing her in passing. She's a lovely lady and is pretty successful in the beauty business. She actually used to be a hair and makeup artist for a couple of celebrities and on a couple of television shows before slowing down and doing some blogging and makeup for small events.

"Harry's always been such an amazing boss towards me, even before we got close. It was around my first couple of weeks being at school when the chancellor requests to see me in his office. I thought he wanted to yell at me for doing something wrong or I thought maybe my parents had figured out my plan and I was done for. As soon as I stepped in his office he had nothing but pleasant things to say to me." I say with a sigh, remembering back to that day.

I had been a proper mess. When his secretary called me up and said that the chancellor of my university wanted to meet up with me for a meeting about opportunities I had practically denied the meeting right away out of pure nervousness. But I went anyway. I'm pretty sure I sweat through the blouse I wore and quite possibly the blazer as well.

"He told me that he wanted me to meet with Mr. Harry Styles of Styles Incorporated about employment opportunities. I was completely speechless. Harry wanted to meet with me about a job when we'd never even met and I had absolutely no job qualifications."

"I bet Harry was his same charming self when you met him for the first time." I rolled my eyes and nodded. Harry was, and still is, a modern day Prince Charming.

"He greeted me in what would be my office today with a large smile and a firm handshake. He offered me refreshments and then brought me back to his office to conduct a little interview. It wasn't much of an interview; it was more like a semi-formal chat. He got to know me little by little and then took me on a tour around the building. He opened doors for me, introduced me to the people I work with today, and spoke very highly of me, even though we had only known each other for around an hour's time. At the end of the interview he offered me the job and the rest they say is history."

"You know," Louis started, leaning back in his chair and picking his beer up off the table with a sly smirk, "the first thing Harry did after you left, aside from calling the chancellor of your school, was call me."

"He did?"

"Oh yeah! He gushed on for hours about how smart, professional, funny, kind, and not to mention beautiful you were. I remember telling him how pathetic he was for feeling this way over a girl he literally just met and he told me to sod off, that one day he'd have you. Harry was definitely love struck."

"I never knew that. I mean I knew he liked me a lot and apparently I was too blind to see it." I say, glancing down at Lux as she wiggled on my lap, continuing to colour the pictures in her colouring book that Lou brought her.

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