✗ sixty-two ✗

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25 December ~ Evening

"Are you almost ready?"

My eyes involuntarily roll at his pestering question from the other side of the loo's door. He's been asking if 'I'm ready yet' for the past ten minutes and the answer still remains the same: not quite.

It takes a long time for me to perfect this look that says, "I'm not exhausted and trying to grow a tiny human, just merely happy to be here tonight."

Besides the fact that I'm feeling incredibly fat and tired, today has been the best Christmas I have ever experienced, from the food to the company and even the gifts. I have enjoyed every single minute of it.

After I ate my entire body weight in cinnamon rolls, we all gathered round the lit tree and passed out presents to each other.

Gemma absolutely adored the handbag I bought her from Kate Spade and went on and on about how she had been eying the bag for quite some time. I knew she'd love it after "stalking" her Pinterest for many days prior to shopping on my own.

I got Anne some new baking tins because Harry mentioned her needing some new ones a few weeks ago. She was quite ecstatic when she opened the gift she had wanted, even after she told me multiple times not to get her anything.

For Robin, I simply got him a new wallet because I had no idea what to purchase for him. I'm not really one for knowing what to buy a boyfriend's father for a gift. I've never had to do it before. But he seemed to have enjoyed it.

Harry, of course, was a bit harder to shop for, in my opinion.

He's already got everything he could possibly ever want, and more. We never talk about what he wants, even if I would ask him twice a day he'd say the same thing: you don't have to get me anything; I have everything I could ever want. Many a days I got: You're the only gift I need and you're the only present I want to unwrap, that being a personal favorite of mine.

I thought about getting him a new tie or something stupid like that, but didn't see the point. Harry has more than enough ties, why would he need another?

Then I pondered getting him a wallet and was set on buying him just that, until I found an entire drawer in our wardrobe of unopened wallets.

Finally, after one late afternoon with Fawn and Detective Briar a few weeks ago, I found the perfect gift for Harry. I thought about waiting to give him this present on his birthday, but by then it would be too late. I found Christmas to be the perfect time for me to give it to him.

The look on his face when he opened the envelope from me this morning was something I will never be able to forget.

"What is this? I told you not to get me anything!" Harry scolds with light laughter as he holds the white envelope in his hands, shaking it lightly. I shrug my shoulders and lean against him, beckoning him to open it quickly. There's no way I can stand knowing what's inside without him knowing the contents.

Carefully, Harry opens the large envelope and takes out the stapled pieces of paper, or rather stack of paper, that's hidden inside.

When it comes to legally adopting an unborn child there tends to be quite a lot of paperwork.

His eyes scan the first paragraph silently before his eyes narrow in confusion and he reads over.

"Shay, what is this?" He wonders, his lips barely moving as he continues to read and reread.

Everyone's curious eyes are on him, the last person to open his gifts out of the five of us. Of course, I saved my gift for last just so we could cherish this moment for many hours to come.

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