✗ sixty-six ✗

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29 December

My sandals crunch against the light snow that covers the driveway leading to the front door of my shared house with Harry. I ignore the freezing temperature against my bare, painted toes and rush the front door, digging my keys from my handbag.

"I know I told you that you needed to leave my parent's house earlier, but maybe right now isn't the best."

Ever since we got into her car has she been taking back everything she's said today.

Go to Harry this instant, Shay vs. Don't go to him, wait another day.

"What do you have against me going home?" I finally ask, turning from the door with my keys clutched in my hands. Moxy stands behind me with her hands dug deeply into her coat pockets and her faux fur hood up over her silver hair. She sighs heavily and hangs her head. She looks to be debating with herself internally as we stand in the chilly breeze

"Okay, go on." Moxy mumbles, shaking her head to herself.

I mumble a sarcastic thank you to her and unlock the front door, pushing the barrier open to allow both Moxy and I to step into the heated home. I slide my coat off and stick it in the closet, not bothering to hang it up at this moment. I enter the other doorway and step into the house, getting ready to shout Harry's name when I see Niall sitting at the dining room table with his head in his hands.

"Niall." His head springs up in my direction at the sound of my voice, his eyes widening briefly before he stands to wavering feet. Moxy pushes past me and over to her boyfriend, speaking to him with a hushed tone, Niall's hand running through his hair.

"What's going on?" I ask when I step closer and see Niall's bloodshot eyes. "Is Harry alright?"

"It's not that he isn't-" Niall begins to say, but he's interrupted when I hear a sob echo from upstairs. I drop my handbag to the floor and yell out Harry's name as I take the steps two at a time as quickly as I possibly can with slow actions.

"Harry!" I shout again, getting to the lounge to see him curled up on the sofa, clutching a pillow to his chest. His eyes are pressed closed as his arms tighten around the pillow and another sob leaves his parted lips. "Harry?" I cautiously say, walking the distance of the room before I'm lowering myself down on the couch next to his knees, his crying growing in volume. "Baby?"

"Shay?" He croaks, peeling his bloodshot eyes open. The sight alone makes my heart ache. What was I thinking? "What are you doing here?" His voice his scratchy and his words slightly slurred as his eyes scan my body sitting beside him.

"I came home." I whisper, reaching up and petting his hair down so that the strands aren't in his face. He lets out another cry before burying his face deep into the pillow he clutches. "Awe, Harry I'm so sorry, baby. I should never have left you."

"You hate me."

"No, I could never hate you Harry."

Tears begin to well at the brim of my eyes, clouding my vision of the broken boy in tears beside me. I blink rapidly, running my hand from Harry's head down to his back where I rub in circles to try and sooth him.

"I could never, ever hate you, my love, not after all you've done for us."

His body continues to visible shake as the sobs leave his parted lips and my hand rubs at his back whilst the other tries desperately to tug the pillow down from his face. Never have I seen him this upset, he always bottles everything up. He shudders trying to draw in a deep breath at the moment I finally tear the pillow from his strong hold. I bring my hand up wiping the tears from his face with my hand, trying to rid his beautiful features of all the sadness.

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