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Chapter Thirteen: Blast From An Ugly Past

After a long night of rough sex, both Beau and Kevin were worn out but Beau manages to leave out of his room limping and into her assigned bedroom. She nakedly walked into her plain white bathroom instantly filling up the spacious bathtub with hot water adding some bath salts to sooth away the pain that came from in between her legs.

Kevin had put it down good and right on her. Soon as the bathtub was filled she slid her body into the water, wincing eachsecond as her body fully got covered in
the water. Shit was too good and the pain was slowly easing away and her mind filled with what had happened throughout the night. Beau closes her eyes for a few minutes but falls asleep from the long and hot work out she had gone through a few minutes ago.

Everyone stood around the large glass table as their boss gave out orders "we had her followed so Jay you know where she lay her head at, just take her and bring
her back" everything was set in motion all they had to do was get in, grab her and leave out which sounded pretty easy.

Everyone nods their head "what if we run into some complications?" Jay, a young buck on the rise asks "shoot whoever gets in the way but don't hurt my woman" the man in charge said. Dismissing everyone from his meeting room he walks into his office to find the red weaved girl.

Sitting on top of his desk with her shirt unbottoned with the shortest shorts that barely covered anything -you didn't have to imagine what was underneath it was already out in the open- and nude stripper heels covered her feet "what the fuck do you want?" he hisses staring at the practically naked woman on his desk "I want
you papi" she seductively struts towards him and places her freshly manicured nail on his chest sliding along it, pushing
her off him with a mean glare on his face "GET THE FUCK OUT OR LEAVE IN A BODY BAG BITCH!" he walks to his desk without looking back at the girl.

Jay and the rest of the crew jump out the black van -that was parked across the street from Kevin's house- and look for ways to get into the house without being caught "take down the security cameras and alarm for ten minutes then grab the girl" everyone nods their head and within six minutes they had captured a naked and sleeping Beautiful but Jay being the gentlethug put some clothes on her curvy frame.

Opening her eyes Beau was in a gorgeous white and gold colored bedroom, it was absolutely breathtaking but it wasn't her
bedroom nor did it belong to Kevin. Feeling a wave worry and fear wash over her she starts to panic.

Searching around the room for a clue as to where she was but came short but the wall where the bed had been placed gave her a clue it was a terrifying clue 'Krazy' was written in cursive gold lettering. Beau rushes over to the door and surprisingly its open, opening it slowly she looks down the hallway to see if anyone was there but it had been vacant but the camera caught her every move.

Krazy was the type of nigga that most street kings feared even the 12 and yet Beau stuck with him for a full year through it all, him getting shot, arrested for a few weeks, killing someone right in front of her and selling on the streets.

Beau had witnessed what most shy sixteen/seventeen year old girls had never had never wished to see. Seeing a staircase just a few feet away she gets pulled into somebody's rock hard body making her wince softly "we meet again Beau" he smiles against her ear.

Goosebumps rise on her skin as she feels the man she once loved breathe down her neck "still as gorgeous and thick as I left you" he compliments groping her ass
but pains slightly shoots up her body, her adrenaline had been pumping up her body that she had forgotten what happened
the night before "ouch Erik you hurting me" Beau cries.

Erik also known as Krazy looks down at his girl knew something had gone down and the guys had taken her after a night of her getting some, something he got
before he up and left her heartbroken at a five star hotel.

He pulls away and stares down at her, Beau had felt intimidated by his gaze and only one other man could do that too sir and shit was going good for her well the 'relationship' they managed to build. Being taken without her own free will not once but
two damn times had her on edge, how many more times would she be taken without fully agreeing to it.

Beau had never thought she'd ever lay eyes on Erik again and had hoped for it not to happen but you don't always get what you ask for no matter how hard you try and beg. Erik picks her up bridal style catching Beau off guard by his sudden gentleness.

Walking back into the bedroom that Beau had escaped from, placing her on the bed and looks her in the eyes. Something had
been weighing down on him since he found the red weaved girl and her telling him something he never thought he'd hear.

Clearing his throat and looking away "why didn't you tell me Beau?" Beau confused moved backwards on the King sized bed "what are you talking about?" she whispers but he hears her nonetheless "why didn't you tell me about my damn son?" a tears falls from her eyes.

Before shrugging "I didn't know up until the day he was born... I-I thought I was just gaining weight from eating too much since you left me" she sobs not looking at him "but you could've called me when he was born or when you were in labour" with a head shake "no I couldn't I-I w-woul-dn't... You broke my heart
remember? Jay'Dee was my
responsibility not yours or anybody else's and I had to take care of what's mine on my own" it was tough saying all this but
she had to let it out.

Erik let's out a frustrated sigh "I don't care if you ain't like me back then for my actions but he was still my son god damnit!" he paces the floor "and its all your fault he isn't here anymore, you
just had to go and be a hoe with my seed inside you" he spat punching one of the four walls in his bedroom.

Beau couldn't believe her ears, her a hoe? How could she be a hoe when no nigga paid her any type of attention "Erik I will not take all the responsibility of my sons death, he was born premature for heaven sake. I was there in those two days he lived, I held him, I fed him, I bathed him and I rocked him
back to sleep whenever he had to sleep where were you huh? Breaking in bitches like the fuck boy you are? While I cried for months just crying over you and for what, to be treated like these ninety-nine cent so call bad ass bitches that you keep fucking? Let me go Erik I've moved on and so should you" she had placed all her cards on the table, she had somewhat found some sort of closure but how did he know was what she was thinking because nobody else knew besides one person...

Asia motherfucking Bryant, now that was a bitch walking on the edge of sharp knife. Beau was going to get her and the bitch better be prepared.


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