1st Punishment at Hogwarts

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"Alexis, wake up!" I hear Hermione say. I groan but get up.

"Let me get dressed. I'll meet you in the common room." I say.

"Okay, but hurry up." she replies.

"I quickly get dressed in my school robes and I go down to the common room to find it empty other than Hermione, Ron and Harry. I run over to Harry and hug him.

"Good morning to you too." he says.

"Good morning!" I say, suddenly happy. We all go down to the Great Hall to eat. We eat and laugh until Hermione realizes that we are going to be late to Transfiguration, which Mom teaches. We stand up and head to the classroom. On our way, we meet a boy I saw get sorted into Slytherin.

"Can we help you?" I ask nicely.

"I don't need help from a blood traitor, a mudblood and 2 charity cases!" He says.

"Listen here, you incompetent prat, I am not a charity case, and Harry isn't either! Ron and Hermione have never hurt you, but if  you don't shut your bloody mouth, I will hex you into next week!" I yell. I am not planning on hexing the Slytherin boy, but a good scare won't hurt him.

"Oh really? Come on then. Hex me. My Head of House may be your brother, but he will side with me." he says. I deide to follow through on my threat. I pull my wand and send a stinging hex at him. He glares at me after yelping in surprise. he then pulls his wand as I put mine away. I suddenly have an idea.

"Please don't hex me! I haven't done anything to you! I will tell if you hex any of us and you will get in trouble!" I say loudly, in a pleading voice. Suddenly, Professor Flitwick comes out of his classroom and sees Draco with his wand pointed at me.

"He insulted us, and then pulled his wand on us, Professor!" Hermione says, following my lead.Professor Flitwick asks Ron and Harry if this was true and they say the same thing as me and Hermione, not wanting us in trouble.

"To the Headmaster's office all 5 of you." he says, ushering us towards Dad's office. Knowing I can't lie to Dad's face without him knowing, I start pleading.

"We have to go to Transfiguration." I say.

"Your Mom will understand. Now, unless you have something to tell me, let's go." Flitwick says. I sigh but I obey, slowly walking to Dad's office with the others.

When we get there, Flitwick knocks on the door and we are told to enter.

"What do I owe this pleasure to?" Dad says, with a twinkle in his eyes that I know will be gone soon. We all sit in the chairs. I try to act innocent, and so do Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Draco looks livid. Professor Flitwick explains what he heard and saw, then says he has papers to grade and he will be going back to his classroom. Dad looks at the 5 of us obviously expecting an answer.

"What happened?" he asks Draco.

"I saw them walking down the corridor and I stopped them and I called them names. Then ALexis hexed me with a stinging hex. I pulled my wand as she put her wand back into the holster and she yelled that she would tell if I hexed her and that she never did anything to me. Then Professor Flitwick came out of his classroom and brought us here." Draco says. Like I predicted, the twinkle in Dad's eye was gone. He turns to us.

"Is all of that true?" he asks calmly.

"He's a bloody git! He called Hermione a mudblood, Ron a blood traitor, and me and Alexis charity cases! He deserved what he got!" Harry yells, obviously very angry. Before I could blink, Harry stormed over to Draco and punched him in the nose twice and then walked back to his seat between me and Ron. Both of us high-fived him and Hermione smiled. Dad gave us an angry look while Draco held his bloody nose. I would have laughed, but the look on Dad's face was enough to make all of us pale, even Draco.

"Don't move and don't make a single sound until I get back. Is that understood?" Dad says, obviously angry.

"Yes sir." We all say. Draco's wa muffled behind his hand that was holding his nose. I personally hoped that his nose was broken,

"Good job." I whisper to Harry. He smiles.

"Really good job." Ron whispers. Hermione just nods her head, Hermione just nods her head, not wanting to get in trouble.

"Thanks guys." Harry whispers back.

"You're welcome." I whisper, not realizing that Dad, Sev and Poppy were all in the office again. Dad clears his throat and we jump.

"Hi Sev, how are you today?" I say, smiling innocently.

"Don't you 'Hi Sev me. I hope that Dad punishes you good for this. As for you Mr. Malfoy, you have detention with me every night for the next month. You know better than to insult others and pull a wand on them, no matter the circumstances!" Sev says angrily. I'm glad that he didn't mention that we will probably be spanked.

"Mr. Malfoy, your nose seems to be broken." Poppy says. Harry starts giggling, and Hermione, Ron and me quickly join in. We didn't even notice Dad getting up and walking over to us.He turns me around and lands 5 quick but HARD  smacks to my bottom. He does the same with Harry. We all stop laughing. Draco is looking at us in shock. Draco, Sev and Poppy leave, leaving Hermione, Harry, Ron and me with Dad.

"Ron, I called your Mom, she will be here any moment now to take care of your punishment. As for you, Hermione, it was been decided that while at Hogwarts, I will be your magical guardian. That means I have 3 spankings to deliver today." Dad says sadly. Right on cue Molly Weasley, Ron's Mom, shows up.

"Do you have any empty rooms I can use for a little bit?" she asks.

"Yes, we are going to my private quarters. We have an extra room if you would like to come with us." Dad says.

"That works." Mrs. Weasley says. As we follow Dad out of his office to his private quarters, Mrs. Weasley take hold of Ron's ear because he was walking slower than the rest of us. We get to our destination way too quickly for my liking. Dad send all of us except Ron to corners in the living room. He then shows Mrs. Weasley and Ron to the guest room.

"All three of you, come here." Dad commands us. We quickly obey and he lectures us.

"Now, Hermione, you are getting 15 swats with my hand because you only lied to Professor Flitwick and you laughed when Harry broke Draco's nose, which was extremely rude. Harry, since you punched Draco twice, laughed when you broke Draco's nose, and lied to Professor Flitwick, you get 15 with my hand and 10 with the wooden hairbrush. Finally, Alexis, you will get 15 with my hand and 15 with the wooden hairbrush because you hexed Draco, lied to Professor Flitwick, and laughed when Harry broke Draco's nose. Everyone understand why you are about to be punished and what to expect?" Dad explains.

"Yes sir." we all say. Dad chooses Hermione first.


Dad pulls Hermione into a hug and then sends her to the corner. Harry is called over next.


Dad picks up the hairbrush then starts again.


Dad then pulls him in for a long hug before sending him back to the corner. It is my turn.


Dad picks up the hairbrush then starts again. 


Dad Hugs me until I calm down and then calls the other two over. We share a long group hug. The rest of the day is uneventful, other than sitting in hard chairs with sore bottoms. We go to bed early and I sleep horribly.

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