Going Back to Hogwarts

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"Time to go! We can't be late! We are 4 professors and the headmaster, so that would look really bad." Sev calls up the stairs. I laugh as I walk down the stairs.

"True, very true." I say.

"I'm ready to go!" Hermione says as she come downstairs.

"Finally!" I say, sticking my tongue out at her. She sticks hers out at me. All the adults chuckle and roll their eyes.

"Harry still isn't down here." She points out to me.

"I know." I say.

Harry then comes down the stairs and we leave to go back to Hogwarts.

When we get there, Hermione, Harry, and me go up to the dorms to put our stuff away so the house elves have three less to do.

"You better not be planning anything!" Dad and Remus call after us. We don't answer, and we hear them groan.

"Let's unpack first." I suggest when we get to the tower. Harry and Hermione agree so we quickly unpack. When we finish, we meet in the common room and talk about our plan.

"Ready?" I ask when we finish planning it.

"Absolutely." They both say.

"Who do we want to do it on?" Hermione asks.

"I call dibs on Remus." I say. Eventually, Harry gets Sev and Hermione gets Sirius.

"When are we doing it?" Harry asks.

"Let's do it at different times." I reply. We all agree that I should go first, and that they knew nothing about my plan if they were asked. We then head to Mom and Dad's quarters.

"We're back!" I yell when we finish setting up Remus's room.

"We go into the kitchen and I put the last step of my plan into play.

"Remus, did I leave my Arithmancy book in your room?" I ask innocently.

"I don't know. I'll go check." He replies.

"Alexis Faith!" I hear him yell right after his door opens.

"Bye!" I say as I turn and run. I make it halfway to the tower before Remus catches me.


He swats home 4 times hard.

"Oww!" I whine.

"There's plenty more where that came from." He says, grabbing my ear and practically. drags me back to the teachers' quarters. When we get back to Mom and Dad's quarters, Mom and Dad look very angry.

"Hey. Why so mad?" I say, trying unsuccessfully to cheer them up and get out of trouble.

"Why did you trash his room and soak all of his books?" Mom asks.

"It was a joke!" I say.

"Hermione and Harry claim they had no part of this plan. Is that true?" Sev asks.

Yes. They wouldn't help." I say.

"Remus, she's all yours." Dad says.

"What!? Daddddd!!!!" I whine.

"You brought this upon yourself." Dad says. I huff and don't move, so Remus picks me up and carries me to the study. He sits down and starts spanking me.



"I won't do it again!!!! I promise!! I sob. Remus stops and hugs me until I calm down.

"Let's go show them I didn't kill you." He says gently. I nod and when we get into the kitchen, I crawl into Moms lap and fall asleep. I sleep through dinner and the rest of the night.

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