School Shopping...

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I have managed to stay out of trouble for all of the summer, well other than a few warning swats. I can't say the same for Harry, though.

"Alexis! Come on, honey. Time to go school shopping!" Mom calls through the house.

"I'm coming, so shut up!" I yell in frustration.

"Alexis Faith Dumbledore!" Dad yells as he comes into my room. He swats me and then takes me to the living room where I apologize. We go to Diagon Alley and shop. When Mom says we can't go into the joke shop, I throw a fit.

"I'll get the rest of her stuff. Take her home, Albus." Mom says. Dad grabs my arm and we apparate to the house.

"Go to your room." Dad says sternly. I open my mouth to protest, but all Dad does is point. I hightail it to my room, and sit on the bed.

"Let's get this over with." Dad says, walking into my room. He sits down and pulls me over his lap. He bares my bottom and starts before I can protest.He gives me around 14 swats, and then rights my clothing and hugs me. We then go to the living room and play wizard's chess until Mom and the others get home.

"We're back!" They announce. Dad and I greet them and then we put all of our stuff away. We all have family time until bedtime.

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