When Will You Stop Listening In?!

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Harry woke up covered in a thick layer of sweat after another nightmare about losing his family. He quickly throws his robes on over his pajamas and rushes out of Gryffindor Tower and heads to his Dads living quarters. He hears voices from the other side of the door and he decides to listen.

'Remus, son, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.' Albus says.

'But Harry-' Remus starts but Albus cuts him off.

'Harry might be in the wrong for that and I will talk to him about it. Now go lie down and go to sleep.' Albus demands.

'Yes sir. I hope he gets sent away for what he did.' Remus says. Albus never replies. Harry is standing in shock outside the door but suddenly turns and runs with tears streaming down his face. He ends up just staring off the bridge into the distance. He doesn't realize how long he has been standing there when suddenly Remus comes running and is calling for him. He snaps out of it and turns to face Remus.

'Oh Harry! There you are! We have been looking for you since breakfast!!' Remus exclaims pulling Harry into a hug. Harry resists the hug and pushes Remus away.

'Not like you want me here anyways.' Harry says as he storms away and into the Tower to get ready for classes. He ignores everyone and storms off to Potions which unfortunately is his first class. He manages to keep from losing points but he has Severus worried and a little frustrated.

'Harry please stay behind. I need a word.' Severus says as he dismisses the class.

'What?' Harry asks.

'Harry-' Severus starts but Harry cuts him off.

'You had your word. Bye.' Harry says and he walks out leaving Severus dumbfounded. Harry ends up going to the Black Lake and hiding from everyone for the rest of the day, skipping all his classes and meals. When he gets cold however he goes back to where he was that morning since he wasn't ready to go inside yet.

'Harry. Where have you been?!' Remus says running over to check Harry over for injuries.

'Out.' Harry says simply.

'Okay. Enough. What is going on? We need to talk about this or it's going to get worse and you're going to get in major trouble.' Remus says. Harry realizes suddenly that he can't walk away.

'I put a sticking charm on you so you can't run away from this conversation. I can get Dad too if you'd like.' Remus says raising his eyebrow.

'It's not like either of you wants me here anyways Professor Lupin! I heard you and Headmaster Dumbledore talking this morning and you were talking about me and you said you hoped I'd get sent away!!!' Harry yells ignoring the flinch and look of shock on Remus's face when he addresses him and Albus as Professor and Headmaster.

'Harry, my darling baby brother, when will you LEARN TO STOP LISTENING IN!?' Remus says swatting Harry with the last five words.

'Owww!!! Stop that!!' Harry yelps.

'Are you going to let me explain now?' Remus asks with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Harry swallows hard and nods his head at Remus to explain.

'We weren't talking about you. We were talking about that kid who keeps picking on you. The one who tries framing you for everything. Dad handled it and he has been expelled and his parents sent him away to some behavior camp. We were worried about you and Dad was going to talk to you and make sure you knew you could stand up for yourself.' Remus explains. Harry starts crying and Remus cancels the sticking charm and pulls Harry into a hug.

'I'm sorry. I had just had a nightmare about losing you guys and I heard that and I jumped to conclusions. Please don't hate me.' Harry whimpers.

'Never cub. I could never hate you. Now let's get inside and get you some food ok?' Remus soothes. Harry nods and clings to Remus so Remus picks Harry up and carries him.

'One more thing Harry.' Remus says while Harry is eating.

'Hm?' Harry says around a mouthful of mince pie.

'Don't talk with good in your mouth. It's rude. And dad said this is the only time he will let skipping classes and the disrespect go unpunished. He only is because you we're struggling and it was obvious.' Remus says. Harry nods. When he finishes his food Remus goes to walk him up to Gryffindor Tower but Harry suddenly stops.

'Remus? Can- can I spend the night in your quarters?' Harry asks while blushing.

'Of course.' Remus replies and they go to his quarters and he tucks Harry in before sending Albus a note about what happened and falling asleep himself.

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