Overprotective Brothers Are NO Fun...

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AUTHOR'S NOTE!!! Thanks to sassylexy for yet another amazing prompt!! Love you and all my readers! You are all great and you keep me going!! Please read, vote, comment, whatever!!! Sending you all SO MUCH LOVE! Enjoy!!


"Hey Alexis." Nathaniel Cross aka the cutest Slytherin ever says.

"H-hi." I say, blushing and looking down.

"Mind if I walk you to Potions?" he asks. I nod and we go to the dungeons. We walk in together and take our seats, with me ignoring a pointed look from Sev. Class is uneventful as always. I get up to leave when Sev dismisses class, but he tells me to hang back.

"Yes?" I ask when we are the last two left in the classroom.

"Why are you hanging out with BOYS?" he asks.

"Well, Sevvy, I am a teenage girl. We do notice boys you know." I say. 

"Well, he isn't trying to pressure you into anything, right?" he asks.

"No, Sevvy, he isn't. And if he wanted THAT, he wouldn't have to pressure me." I say back. He sputters and I leave the classroom, smirking. I almost run right into Nathaniel.

"Hey Alexis. Will you help me with something?" he asks hesitantly.

"What do you need help with Nathaniel?" I ask, pulling him away from Sev's classroom door.

"Call me Nate or Nathan please, otherwise I feel like I am in trouble. Anyways, I need to get something from Hogsmeade tonight to prove to Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle I'm not a pansy." he says. I hesitate before answering.

"I'm in. Meet me in the entrance hall right after dinner." I say. he nods and we go our seperate ways. Dinner comes and goes way too quickly, and I find myself leaving before my siblings and friends using the excuse that I left something in a classroom. I meet Nate in the entrance hall, and we head to Hogsmeade. We get there after an hour of walking, and it's well past curfew by the time we get the item and get back. We quietly go inside, and come face to face with Dad, Sev, Remus, Sirius, Mom, and Uncle Flitwick. I smile nervously.

"Hi everyone. Nice to see you here. I'm just gonna go up to my dormitory now." I say, trying to get past.

"Not so fast young lady." Mom says, grabbing my arm tightly. I stop, and Dad calls off the search and orders all of us, including Nate to his office.

"Explain." was the only word said when we get to his office.

"I asked Alexis to go with me so I wouldn't be alone. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle have been bullying me since the first day of school. They said they'd make everyone else tease me too if I didn't get them something from Hogsmeade tonight." Nate explains in one breath. I sit silently and watch everyone's face.

"You should've told one of us." Sev says finally.

"I know Sev. I'm sorry." I say.

"Me too Professor Snape." Nate says.

"Mr. Cross, I'll send a letter home to your parents, and you have detention with Professor Snape for the next two weeks. Alexis, I will deal with you tonight, and you will join Mr. Cross in detention with your brother." Dad says. 

"Yes sir." we both reply. Sev then leaves to take Nate to the Slytherin dorms and to handle Draco and his 'gang'. Dad then motions for me to follow him to the couch. I obey and he bares my bottom and pulls me over his knee. 

"You are getting 50 swats. 25 for leaving school grounds, 20 for being out past curfew, and 5 for the disrespect you showed your brother this morning." Dad says. I nod, and he starts.

The first 5 make me hiss and yelp, followed my 10 more hard ones that made me start squirming and kicking. The next 15 are fast and hard, and I am starting to cry by the end of them.The last 20 are all on my sit spots and they are hard. I am bawling by the end of it, and Dad immediately pulls me into his lap. Once I calm down, I pull my pants and underwear up, and Mom gives me 'The Talk'. Once that is over, she takes me to Gryffindor tower. I fall asleep quickly, filled with hope that Sev handles the bullying, and I never have to endure another sex talk.

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